Chapter 10

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Midsun laughed as he continued to talk to the new cats. They were finally making their own clan. It wouldn't be much longer until they could a home for themselves as well. They had already been traveling for a while, so their new home couldn't be that much farther. 

The black and ginger gave Vivanne a goofy grin, happy that he had met her. She was beautiful, but she also was feisty. She had gone on her own personal journey to be where she was now, and he appreciated that. He looked back to all the new cats, happy each of them were there with them. 

He had gone on a journey with his best friends. They had left their clans to look for something better because they had saw the injustice in their old system. They had left so that they could all be happier, and if they had not been happier out in the wild, then they would have returned to their clans. 

To him, the journey had been important. It had allowed them to meet Vivanne, Cardinal, Ringser, and everyone else. They now had a sizable clan, and they could easily work with this. Midsun was proud in himself for getting Vivanne and all of her kittypet friends to join them. He even had offered to help make warrior names for all of them. Some of them had names that were easy to make into warrior names, like Clove or Shadow, but Vivanne would be the hardest to make one for. 

As the black and ginger tom thought about some new names for his newfound crush, he looked around for Rosefall. He did not see her socializing with all the new cats, and worry instantly pricked at him. He knew she had been having doubts, and she had been having a hard time. Her idea for the clan was perfect, they just had to find the place that she saw. He would continue to walk until he died if he had to find that forest for her. 

"Give me a moment, I need to find Rosefall." Midsun purred to Vivanne, which earned him a look from Smudgeleaf. He brushed off the black furred tom's rash look and went to look for his female. 

Midsun did not spot her close to any of the new cats to their clan, and he didn't see Ringser. A knot formed in his stomach as he hurried his pace to find his leader. Rosefall had meant everything to him, and he wouldn't let some mouse-brained tom get in the way of their friendship. He would always be there for Rosefall, even if she didn't want him. It would break him to know if she didn't want him anymore. 

"Rosefall!" He called out, panic wrapping it's shadow-like claws around his fur and throat. He felt shaky not knowing where she was. She could be off drowning again, or Ringser could have killed her. He called out again, but no answer was ever called back. 

Soon, he felt someone next to him. He jumped back, his legs shaking. He quickly unsheathed his claws ready to attack whoever it had been. Once his eyes focused, he just saw it had been Coconutsplash. He let out a small exhale, trying to relax, but he was still too nervous about where Rosefall had vanished off to. 

"What are you doing? You are shaking. What's wrong?" The light brown tom asked as he took a step closer to the black and ginger tom. Coconutsplash had always been someone who wanted to help, and Midsun trusted his fellow friend. They had been like brothers since they were young anyways. 

The tom took a moment, more so to make sure he would be able to speak, before telling the tom, "I can't find Rosefall, and Ringser is missing too. What if he is a traitor? What if he killed her? What if-" 

Coconutsplash quickly cut off his best friend. "She is okay. Those 'what if's?' are just that. You don't need to worry. I can go out looking for her with Cardinal. She couldn't have gone far." He purred and closed the distance between the two toms. 

Midsun let out a small choked sob as Coconutsplash rested his head against Midsun's. He had already been shaking so much, but he could truly feel it now. His nerves were getting the better of him, and he was worried that Rosefall would be dead. Their group would be nothing without her feminine touch. She made sure that they didn't get into fights at every turn. 

"Please find her." The black and ginger tom managed to say before closing his eyes against the other tom's fur. 

He didn't know who he would be without Rosefall, and it scared him to think of a life without her. He knew Coconutsplash and Smudgeleaf felt the same way. She had pulled them together, and it would always be like that. They had this connection now that would keep them together even in the afterlife. 

Coconutsplash pulled away, and the tom could hear him calling for Cardinal. The brown tom then leaned down to him and pressed his nose against Midsun's forehead. "Go rest in one of the dens. We will go find her, I promise." He purred. 

Midsun didn't have the strength to give a verbal answer, so he just gave a small nod. He lifted himself barely, his limbs shaking with every step. He could easily fall at any moment, but he could at least make it to one of the dens. He knew Rosefall's was the closest to where he was, so he made his way to her den. 

The black and ginger tom made it to the makeshift den and fell into her nest. He soaked in her scent, hoping that she would be there soon to comfort him. He was there for her, and she needed to be there for him as well. He just hoped that Coconutsplash and Cardinal would be fast. 

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