Chapter 7

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Coconutsplash woke up with a yawn. He noticed that he had been the one that had slept in and quickly rushed out of the den to meet Rosefall and Smudgeleaf. The pair had just been about to enter the den and wake the brown tom up, but Coconutsplash had just woken up. 

The sun was not too harsh on his eyes as it was just rising. He could see it as they headed down the path to go to all the wooden dens. Smudgeleaf took the lead and carefully kept an eye out. Coconutsplash trailed in the back wondering who they would meet out by the lake. Smudgeleaf said that there should be a good group of cats that would be wanting to meet them. 

The sleek brown tom was a bit nervous to meet more cats. He remembered what happened at his old home and how the females had swarmed around him and his brother. They tried to swarm around Smudgeleaf as well, but they would just get growled at. 

He pinned his ears back not wanting to meet more females like that. If he were to be honest, he was not that interested in females, but he would never tell his brother. His brother would never believe that Coconutsplash did not like females, so the tom just had to deal with his feelings alone. He felt like he could tell Rosefall, but she was always with someone else. 

Coconutsplash shook his head as he started to see some silhouettes sitting by the side of the lake. Smudgeleaf picked up his pace as he noticed the other cats. Rosefall picked up her pace as well, making Coconutsplash have to pick up his pace. The brown tom noticed a small group of around six other cats sitting near the lake. The leader of the group ran up and greeted their smaller group. 

"Hello! I am Vivienne. I told some of my friends about what Smudgeleaf had told us about. Some of my friends are interested in seeing what you are talking about for a new home." The ginger and white female purred as she headed toward the small group of clan cats. 

Rosefall bowed her head toward the female. Coconutsplash stepped up on her one side, while Smudgeleaf stood on her other side. He seemed a lot more aggressive and he could easily fight any of these other cats. Coconutsplash on the other hand, looked like he would barely be able to put up a fight against any of these cats, even the tom that he saw was smaller than him. 

"Yes, he did inform me about all of you. I do see more than he told me about yesterday." Rosefall purred before raising her head and looking Vivienne in the eyes. "We will be starting a clan for all cats that do not have a family. We would like it if you would join us, but we understand if you do not wish to. My name is Rosefall, and this is Coconutsplash." The fluffy female flicked her tail to the sleek brown tom who stood next to her. 

Vivienne seemed to smile. "I am interested, and most of us are as well. I have already told you my name, but this is Clove, Mossy, Sunny, Lucy, and Icicle." She flicked her tail to each of the cats in order. 

Clove had a nice white and grey pelt. Most of her fur was white, but around the tips of her ears, tail, and paws were grey. She looked like a bunny in Coconutsplash's opinion. The female was also the smallest out of the group. 

Mossy had a nice grey pelt that had stripes and patches of black in it. Over his one eye was a nice patch of orange. His eyes were both green, but in the light they seemed to be different types of green. Coconutsplash could not tell if that was because of his bad sight, or if the tom really had different colored eyes. 

Sunny had a solid ginger coat except for her chest. The fur that covered her chest was white, along with the tip of her tail. It looked nice on the female, but she definitely intimidated Coconutsplash with her size, though she stayed nuzzled up next to Icicle. 

Lucy had a rather tan colored pelt. It was not truly ginger, nor was it white. To Coconutsplash, it looked unique. He liked the look of the female's coat, and was glad that there would be a better number of females in the group. His brother and Smudgeleaf needed some female companions because he already knew that Rosefall would chose none of them for her mate. 

The last cat that he looked to was Icicle. The white tom sat next to Sunny and has his head resting on hers. He seemed to be even larger than Smudgeleaf, but the brown tom could not tell yet. He would have to get the two to be close to each other. Coconutsplash did notice a slice in Icicle's right ear, but other than that none of them had any scars. 

Coconutsplash was not the first one to notice that none of them had scares, but he did not decide to say anything unlike Smudgeleaf. The black tom looked at Vivienne and flicked his tail toward the other cats. "Why do none of you even look like you have a single scar on you. How will you ever fight for what you want? Do you even know how to fight?" He hissed with a good bit of anger in his voice. 

Vivienne pinned her ears back. "None of us have ever been truly in the wild, but we want to try it. We aren't happy here." The female called back to him. As Coconutsplash took another look at the cats, he did notice that they all seemed well fed. He and his friends on the other paw, did not look so luxurious as they had been traveling for two moons. They did not have that much time for a decent meal, just enough to keep them fed. 

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