Chapter 6

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Midsun flicked his tail and let out a small yawn. He looked around trying to figure out where Rosefall had gone. She had excused herself when the sun was just about to set, and now it was almost high moon. The others laid asleep in the den that they had carved out for them, so he squeezed past all of them and followed the shecat's scent.

Midsun walked toward the cliff and saw her lump of a form sleeping on the age. He walked closer and nudged her gently with his nose. She woke up and looked at him, but something seemed a bit off. He laid next to her on what little room was there and she put her head into his fur. He gave a small purr and wrapped his tail around her.

"I don't know what happened, but you know I will always be here for you." Midsun told the female as he rested his head on top of hers. He had spent so much time with her already that he felt that as if she was his sister.

Rosefall let out a small sob. "I don't know if I can rule this clan. What if I screw it all up?" The female pulled away from Midsun and looked him in the eyes.

"You won't screw it up. None of us may be that old, but that just means we have a lot more time to learn about stuff." He told the female. He wanted to get up and go back to the camp, but she did not seem to want to move.

"I saw some kind of vision I think. I saw a nice territory that had this river running through it." The female paused and flicked her tail toward the river that we had been following for at least two moons now. "Then I saw all of us older, and I was standing on this really large trunk. There were so many cats below us, but the thing that caught me the most was this small kit that stood under me and looked down to the cats with me." She purred and rested her head back on her paws. Her gaze had turned back to the lake.

A vision of that? It had to be StarClan's doing. "Then we will work on getting to where you saw this vision. We all knew that we would not be staying here long." He told her then titled his head at the mention of the kit. "What do you think the kit meant?" He asked not sure what she had meant by it. It could have been simple like how she knew that they would have a family there, but he just wanted to make sure.

Rosefall turned her head and looked at him. "I had an idea for a clan. I don't know if it smart or not, but that vision almost confirmed my idea." She purred and got up slowly. "I wanted the clan to have an heir. It would be my kit that would take to be the leader after I leave. I had the idea the night we left, but I had always thought it would be stupid." She said before giving a small stretch. "It would mean that no other cat but my bloodline would be able to lead unless my bloodline ends, but I like the idea." She looked at him with an expectant look.

Midsun was not sure how to comprehend the idea that she had. He wished that she had decided to share it with them before they traveled all the way out here, but he did know it was better than telling them last minute. "Then we will make it happen." He purred as he got up and gave a small stretch. "Now we should get back to the camp. You need to get some food and then you need to sleep. You have some cats to meet in the morning." He told her in a teasing tone.

The orange and black tom knew that she knew had to meet some new cats in the morning, but he didn't want to stress her out too much. He knew that he would be staying in the camp to watch after the new cat, but Smudgeleaf and Coconutsplash would be going with her in the morning. She would be safe with them, but he did not know how safe Ringer and Cardinal would be with him.

The two of them headed back to the small camp they would be calling home. He would see if Cardinal would be able to help him out in the morning to make a few more dens so that they were not all squished, and he would send Ringer to go get more prey for obvious reasons.

From what his brother had told him, Cardinal did not seem like a bad male, he was just a bit weary of things, which was funny when he looked at his size. He and Smudgeleaf shared the same size and amount of muscle. It was just a little intimidating. 

They entered the camp, but everyone was still asleep. Midsun was not so hungry so he kept an eye out for anything while Rosefall had a bit of the left over beaver that they had not eaten. Cardinal had been right, the beaver was really good, and it would feed a good amount of cats. He wondered if there would be any beavers were Rosefall had seen her vision. 

The tom also wanted to look around the area if there was any other prey that they would be able to get in the area. He had seen something before when they were walking in the area, but it seemed too large for them to ever kill. He would have to ask Cardinal if there was any other animals that would be large and easy to take out in the area. He did not want to send more than two cats after some prey if he could help it. 

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