The Job

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A/N I initially started writing this in a past tense format but towards the middle switched to present tense. I have gone back and revised the first couple of chapters but there is a few in between that haven't been fixed so if you notice the difference that's why. I've currently been changing up my writing style trying to improve and see what works better for me so I apologize for the inconvenience.  As always please enjoy and don't forget to vote for each chapter. I love hearing your comments too!!!


I love the way her wet pussy cradles around my cock. This bitch was wild, thrusting her ass into my thighs smacking our skins like a frantic beast as I pounded into her from behind.

 She was a freak. To bad she had a butter face or I'd keep her around more often and not always make her get on all fours.

 Ramming deep into her, I slam my cock in and out making her scream in glee. Back and forth I moved while her hot cunt swallowed my dick strangling it with my release flooding to my tip. My body was overflowing with beating thumps clattering about in overwhelming pleasures. I love pussy and what made it better was freaky sluts like Brittany who could buck down on a cock like her life depended on it.

 Reducing my speed, I pump into her harder as my muscles tighten in its final seconds. With one more harsh slam I burst into the condom finding satisfaction with Brittany crying in disappointment. I guess she didn't get to come. 

I threw on something to wear and had Brittany let herself out. She was familiar with the routine. With her gone I decided to go downstairs and see what the boys were up to.

"What the hell is that smell?" I opened up my bedroom door and immediately a vulgar odor smacked me in the face sweeping through my nostrils.

"Connor's shoes and his nasty ass feet," DC yelled from downstairs as I made my way down the steps of our three bedroom town home.

"What the fuck Connor?" I look at the lazy bastard who was only wearing a pair of socks and boxers leaning back in the recliner. His feet were comfortably propped up on the ottoman so the disgusting odor could linger more than it already had throughout the house.

"I can't help it. I've got sweaty feet," defensively he replies never breaking his gaze from the television while he continued playing his video game.

Making a sour face, I swat my hand in the air in front of my nose trying to push away the awful scent. I remembered there was a can of air freshener in one of the kitchen cabinets so I headed directly for it spraying down the area.

"Have you ever heard of odor eaters or baby powder you dumbass?" I aim the can right at his feet.

"Fuck man, chill. I'm trying to play Xbox here." Connor pulls away his feet planting them on the floor but not before I could spray some air freshener on his socks.

"Go get your damn shoes and throw them outside before you kill us all." I snatch the controller out of his hands and smacked him upside his head.

"Fine, whatever," begrudgingly he got up and did as I ordered while DC sat off in the background laughing.

After Connor took out his shoes and I opened a few windows to circulate some air, I grabbed a beer and headed back into the living room taking a seat. It'll never cease to amaze me how a guy who can crack open any safe with minimal effort doesn't have enough sense to throw some baby powder in his socks before he puts them on.

Taking a sip I look over to DC who is messing with his laptop at the dining room table. He was our computer geek, always hacking into different systems keeping us rich and clear from police radar. "Where's Noah at?" I peculiarly ask not seeing his sorry mug anywhere around.

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