001 : a distance dream

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Shownu and Kihyun have been together since junior high and love each other every much, but they have so much more that they want to love to get love to not only each other, but to something they can both love a take care of... A child.

But as a same sex couple, its like a distance dream. Of course they thought of adopting but as 18 and 19 year olds. They sound insane. Even their parents thought it was just the love talking or just a phase but it wasn't. It was a passion and something they really wanted... Needed in their lives.

They just want their own bundle of joy to love and take care of but is seemed impossible. Like a dream that would never come true. A wish upon a shooting star.


Kihyun POV
"Mother, I know this sounds crazy." "Insane!" "Yes, that too but its something we really want. We've talked about it. It's so important to us." I begged "Honey, you two are basically still kids. You haven't even graduated yet." "I graduate this year though." I argued "What you're talking about is a big responsibility Kihyun, its not something you should just jump on." My mother said "Please mother?" I begged "Kihyun I'm sorry but I don't think you're ready, I don't think neither of you are." She said "But mother!?" "No buts Kihyun. That's how I feel." She said before leaving the room.

I plopped down on my bed and called Hyunwoo "Hello?" "Hey babe. You talked to your mom yet?" He asked "Yeah and-" "And you got the same, I don't think you're ready speech?" He asked "Correct." "Same, I guess it's because of our age. We're still babies ourselves in their eyes." "Right" "It'll all work out soon enough." He said "Do you think we'll ever get to have a baby?" I asked "We will... Just wait for the right time." He replied "It's like a distance dream." I said "A dream that'll come true soon enough." He replied


As I was writing this story before, I didn't know where I was going with it but I didn't want to stop writing it or delete it so now that I know what I have in mind, I will be rewriting and republishing the story so please look forward to it.

As I was writing this story before, I didn't know where I was going with it but I didn't want to stop writing it or delete it so now that I know what I have in mind, I will be rewriting and republishing the story so please look forward to it

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