Chapter Two: One YeAr Later

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One year after Mona ended the final game, and possibly her life, she lied in her hospital bed still in her coma.

But that didn't stop the ex-Radley patient from dreaming.

She had found herself in a metal chair under a bright spotlight. Someone looked over at her from up above, in a black hoodie.

Mona gasped.

"Please don't hurt me!" she begged.

She then looked at her outfit, and then the ground.

She wasn't in an empty room under a spotlight.

She was back in The Hole. The Hole from the Dollhouse.

Wearing her 'Alison' attire.

And the spotlight? It was A's flashlight.

They turned it off, and started walking out.

"No. No, please let me out! I'll be good, I promise! Please don't do this!" Mona begged. But it was too late. The door closed, and Mona was left all alone in that dark space once again.

"Mona? Mona, are you awake?"

It was Hanna's voice, but Mona knew her best friend wasn't actually there.

"Hanna? Is that you? What are you doing here?" Mona asked to basically the air.

"Mona, wake up! I'm not there with you. I'm out here! Mona!"

Rosewood Hospital:

Room 214:

"Mona!" Hanna said.

Mona's eyes shot open. She was awake.

To her right was her best friend, and to her left was a nurse.

"Ms. Vanderwaal? How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I...I feel-" Mona tried to speak, but it was difficult.

"It's okay, Mona. They said this would happen. But other than that you'll be okay!" Hanna said with excitement.

" long has it been?"

"A year."

"Then why am I still alive?"

"We put you into a medically induced coma, Ms. Vanderwaal. We were expecting you to live," the nurse replied.

"Wh-when can I leave?"

"In a few days. But don't worry. I'll visit sometimes. And so will the others," Hanna told her. Mona drifted back to sleep.

Ezra's Apartment:

Aria began putting things into her bag, but Ezra came up from behind and gently grabbed her arms.

"Why are you packing already? The wedding isn't for another 2 days!" Ezra told his fiancee.

"Because I want to get the hell out of here as soon as possible," she replied.

"Fair enough."

"Did you hear about Mona?" Aria asked as she continued to put things into her bag.

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