Chapter One: Farewell, My Lovely

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Mona sat on the couch, looking at the Liars, Caleb, and Ezra.

"So you're the reason that the game is happening! Because you killed Charlotte?!" Spencer questioned.

"No. Not exactly," Mona responded.

"What's 'not exactly' supposed to mean?" Caleb asked, wanting answers like everyone else. They couldn't miss a beat if it meant stopping A.D.'s game once and for all.

"I didn't kill Charlotte. But I lead her actual killer to her that night."

"Tell us everything that happened that night!" Aria demanded.

"And don't spare details. I can take it," Alison assured.

"Now, Mona!" Emily demanded as well.

"Alright, fine! Here's what happened," Mona began.

The Night of September 12, 2017:

The Bell Tower at the Church:

Mona and Charlotte were at the top of the bell tower, with Charlotte's hands in her jean jacket pockets, and Mona holding a bouquet of pinkish/purple flowers.

"You brought flowers? Is that why you wanted to see me? To welcome me home with flowers?" Charlotte asked, taking a pause to nod with admiration after her first statement.

"I couldn't give them to you in the hospital. Alison wouldn't let me," Mona replied.

"Why did you want to visit me?"

"For the same reason you came here: to see if there was anything to worry about...I didn't visit, but I kept an eye on you. I watched for five years! Five years of you making the doctors clever with all the progress you were making! You played them all." When Mona said that line, Charlotte smirked. Mona continued, "The court. The lawyers. Your own sister. But you couldn't fool me."

Charlotte chuckled.

"You always were the smart one, Mona. Not Spencer," Charlotte responded with the same smirk.

"Now you're out. And you think that you can start hurting people again. Well I'm not gonna let that happen."

"W-who's gonna stop me? You?" Charlotte asked with a 'you're joking' look on her face.


Charlotte squinted at Mona, as if she were analyzing her.

"Do you still see her when you look in the mirror? The uh...loser with the pigtails and the frumpy sweaters? 'Cause I see her," Charlotte stepped closer to Mona before continuing.

"I can see it right now. None of you are sure when you look in the mirror. None of you are really certain who you are! I did that. I took that away from you. The same way everything was stolen from me. And now I'm back, and everything that happened before...that's gonna feel like a picnic."

Charlotte walked away from Mona and went to the black opening of the bell tower. She pushed it open, looking at the view of Rosewood.

"I won't let you do that to my friends," Mona said, trying to stand her ground.

Charlotte turned to face her.

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