Guinea Gerbils

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I bet you thought I was gonna say guinea pigs. Nope. Gerbils are awesome. When I was in 4th grade we had two gerbils. One was black with white paws. Another was white with a tiny bit of black spots. The black one was named serious
The white ones name was rubeous.( get it?)
The black one died somewhere in February
I missed him a lot.
I hung around the gerbil cage a lot. Thus, one of my friends ( who fed the gerbils) started calling me gerbil. She stopped in March. Once I got her back. Another of my friends was playfully insulting her, and I said " C'mon! Christa(my friends name) is a strong, independent gerbil. They both burst out laughing. That reminds me.
Once when we were at music our music teacher Mr. Moore was being funny at one of my class mates Liam. ( random fact he was the class clown.) Another of my classmates, Hailey stepped in ( playfully) "Guys! Stop. Liam is a strong, independent woman!" The whole class was silent, then burst out laughing.
And those are my random 4th grade experiences.

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