Chapter Three: Prisoner of War

Start from the beginning

~Rob's POV~

"Rob? Are you okay?" Ty asked calmly through the bars.

"NO!" I yelled at him; looking at him with a tear streaked face. "THEY LEFT ME! THEY LEFT ME TO DIE!"

"Rob, we aren't gonna hurt you. Whatever Herobrine told you was a lie. Everything he told you was a lie." Sky said, leaning against the bars.

"They left me. They left me. They left me." I repeated over and over; clutching my head while closing my eyes.

Sky gave out a small sigh before he and Ty walked off. I waited until I heard the sound of a door closing before standing up and recomposing myself. I grinned devilishly and sat on the bed and sat crossed legged on the bed. (Is it bad I forgot what powers everyone had and had to look?) I began to summon flowers out of boredom as I waited for the guys to come. 

'So what time do you guys think you'll be around?'  I asked into the mind link.

'We discussed it, and we'll be there around midnight. That sound good to you?' Vik said for everyone.

'Yeah. Just hurry before they try and take of my nonexistence mind control.' I said with a small chuckle.

'Of course love. See you soon!~' Lachlan said, trying to act flirty.

'Love you too Lachy. And Preston, stop him. He's trying to be flirty again.' I said with a giggle.

'Will do Robbie. Love you ya cactus.' Preston said before everyone left the mind link; leaving me to my own thoughts.

A few moments of silence later, a banging noise was heard from down the hall; yelling following soon after. A willed the flowers to disappear as I stood up and got close to the bars; hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening.

"I'm telling you Sky! This isn't mind control!" One voice I recognized as Ant's said. "They have every right to hate us for leaving them behind!"

"You know our father though Ant! He must've done something to them!" Sky said as both brothers came into view.

"We would know if he did anything Sky! We could sense the Brine magic upon him." Ant retorted.

"Uh, if you guys are done now, I would appreciate if you didn't talk about me like I wasn't here." I asked, leaning against the bars. 

"What did Herobrine do to you Rob?" Sky asked as he and Ant stood in front of the bars.

"Absolutely nothing, except save us from being killed. Unlike you, he's a great leader." I growled out, my voice laced with venom.

Sky narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses and glared at me.

"Knock him out and take him to Husky." Sky said to one of the recruits nearby. "I'm sure he can help us find out what Herobrine did."

The recruit nodded and came over to my cell; opening up the door and coming towards me with his sword out.

"Aw hell no." I growled out as I summoned vines and choked the recruit until he passed out.

While Sky and Ant were standing there shocked, I booked it out of the cell and down the hall; Sky and Ant running after me once they grew out of their shock. As I entered the main hall, I let out my half form and ran a little faster. Turning a corner quickly, I grabbed a iron sword from a nearby armor stand and continued to rush through the halls; until I entered the main area where multiple people stood.

'Now would be a perfect time to teleport!' I said into my mind as I ran through the small crowd of people around the main area.

'Give us five minutes. We'll be there soon. Find something to do.' Vik said before leaving the mind link.

I let out a sigh as I stopped and turned on my heel; running at the first person I saw. I stopped quickly and stabbed my sword right through Brice's stomach; pushing him off before turning and slashing Bashur's chest. Both let out cries of pain as they fell to the ground; their blood both on my sword and face.

"Stop him!" Sky said as he and Ant came into the room; panting.

Everyone pulled out weapons of their own and came towards me; some slowly, some quickly. I blocked the first attack that came from Tyler (LogDotZip) and slashed his chest before kicking him into Bodil. Jason launched himself into the air and shot an arrow at me, which I dodged; sending the arrow flying into Kyle's (kkcomics) shoulder.

"Fall back. Let us handle this." Sky said; the crowd parting to allow him, Ant, Ian, Ty, and Tyler (Brotato). Jason flew down and joined them; all six standing in front of me.

"It's over Rob. Stop fighting us. We're your friends." Ty said as he inched closer; causing me to growl.

"You all lost that title when you left us behind." I said as galaxy colored mist surrounded me. In one second, the mist separated to reveal the others smirking.

"How?" Ant asked, narrowing his eyes. "Herobrine doesn't have that kind of magic."

"Since we are now his sons, he gave us our own abilities." Vik said as he stepped forward. "My name is Prince Galaxy. User of the strongest magic known to all."

"Prince Blur is my name." Lachlan said as he ran around and slashed at Dan, Pat, and Tiffany (Cupquake) before stopping where he stood; the three he attacked falling to the ground. "And speed and invisibility is my game."

"I am Prince Killer." Mitch said as he whipped out a bow and shot an arrow at Cody (AtlanticCraft) behind him; hitting Cody square in the chest.

"Names Prince Bacca," Jerome said as he summoned a diamond axe and threw it into Einshine's chest. "And I love weapons."

"My name is Prince Magma, and I love to play with fire." Preston said as he lit his hair and hands on fire. He chucked a fireball at Ant; who deflected with his sword making it hit Lizzie in the neck.

"And I am Prince Woofless. Heir to the throne of the Nether." I said as I choked LittleLizard and Sethbling to death. "And we're your worst enemy."

We all smirked as Vik teleported us out and to the base we captured a few days ago. Laughing, we all hugged each other and smiled.

"Let's go back home. I miss the Nether." Preston said as we all began to walk back to the portal.



Heck yeah! I did an actual chapter. 

I hope you all enjoyed, and I will try to write more!


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