"Black Star, we should act with caution. Yes, (Y/N) has been taken away, but by no means does that mean you have the right to go blaming it on everyone. We should put our minds together and think of a smart way to safety retrieve her back." Kid explains, picking up his two weapons. Walking towards the hole created in the ceiling he sighs. "How will we even get up to the surface...?" Liz asked wearily.

"It doesn't matter if you all come or not," I hiss, bending down to pick up the sword, "I'm doing this my way. And I will get her back." I tighten my grip around the cold handle, making a running start, I roughly step on Kid's jacket and grasp the torn cement and begin climbing toward's the surface of outside.

"Argh! Black Star, you dirtied my jacket!" Kid yells.

"Argh! Black Star, you dirtied my jacket!" Kid yells

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Third Person's POV

Maka's grasp on the Kishin's leg began to falter, until eventually, her grip loosened and she was falling towards the ground at an alarming speed.

"Maka!" Soul shouts, transforming out of his weapon for so that he can protect Maka from the dangerous fall.  Fortunately, there were many wooden boxes and crates to cushion their impact.

The blonde meister shakily rose her hand to where the Kishin held (Y/N) hostage in the sky.

"I need... to stop the Kishin..." Were her last words until she passed out, due to her overworking herself the past couple of hours.

Immediately soon after, Black Star climbed out from the debris hole the Kishin created.

"Huh? Black Star? Where are the others!?" Soul questioned his friend, who walked past him with lifeless green eyes staring at the sky. His grip on his weapon tightening bit, sprinting away ignoring Soul's question.

Following the blue haired boy, Tiffany, Kid, Liz, and Patty also emerged from the opening, "Black Star! Ugh... You can't just go into battle like that! Especially without a plan! You're bound to get injured!!" Tiffany yells.

From up above, the Kishinev still had (Y/N) in his arms. Not seeming to let her go, even when Lord Death appeared. "Shinigami..." he uttered, his mask cracking open to reveal his expressionless face.

"Hiya. It's been a while since I last saw you," Lord Death greets him, in his usual cartoonish voice. "Are you okay? You're all lanky and wearing such heavy clothing."

"I can say the same for you. What's with that comical mask?" The Kishin replied.

"Well, after I stuffed you inside that bag, I began a school for meisters and weapons. One of which you're holding right now. My old mask would scare away the children, it was really bad!"

"I guess that explains your funny way of talking."

Lord Death leans back a bit, "I've grown quite acquainted to it. But that's besides the point, you have my student and caused chaos all around. I'm sorry to do this after you just woke up but..."

His Star: Black Star x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now