I walked down, closer to where the teams were coming out and got my camera ready.

The two teams walked out, and I got some close ups of Christiano Ronaldo and James Rodriguez. I followed them with my camera again, convincing myself to work hard for the next forty-five minutes.

The teams resumed their places on the opposite side of pitch just as the referees began to walk out.

Then, out of the blue, the ground began to...tremble. Almost, like and earthquake, but it felt like thunder. I looked up, along with the other photographers who had felt the same thing.

"What was that?" Someone asked. Those were his last words.

Off in the distance, a large pillar of smoke began to rise and build up in the sky. The players on the field looked around confused too. A few cries rang out but most people stayed put.

Then disaster struck.

I heard a large boom to my right, it was like a gunshot. The ground trembled again, but this time you could see fire illuminating parts of the stadium. People screamed and fled the stadium, flooding out onto the pitch and running in every direction. It was absolute chaos. I stood in awe and in terror as the photographers around me grabbed their cameras and scrambled away. I was pushed and shoved to the ground not too much later. The ground shook as at least two other explosions went off.

"Henry!" I heard my name being called, I knew it was Jace.

After bring kicked about, I managed to get up. I whipped my head around and spotted Jace who was calling out for me in every direction. I fought my way through the mass and grabbed Jace on his shoulder.

"Let's go!" I shouted to him.

"No no no, not that way!" Jace cried. Blood pooled off the side of his head.

"We don't have time for this!" I got a hold of Jace's arm and began to haul him along with the swarm of people. Soon enough, the entrance was beginning to get clogged and overwhelmed with people pushing and shoving.

"Get the other exit." Jace was starting to sway on his feet. "I'm gonna pass out soon."

I draped one of his arm around my shoulder and half carried him away from the backed up entrance. I was determined to get out of this.

We followed some others who were also running to the other exit that Jace was talking about. It wasn't long before another explosion rang out, this time it was 200 feet away. The ground lurched as the people who were in front of us were blown to pieces. Jace and I were luckily thrown to the ground. Blood and tissue stained the front of my shirt, and my collar too.

"Close your eyes Jace." My voice wavered as I shielded my eyes from the bodies on the field.

"I ain't doin' nothing." Jace's breathing was getting heavy and slow.

I picked him up again and began to jog across the field. There were bodies everywhere, more dead than alive. Blood stained the nearest goalpost, seeping onto the turf. A few survivors screamed out in pain, holding their limbs. The stadium was still full of screams.

I threw up in my mouth a little but I was determined to get out of here In one piece.

I slowed down when I noticed a Real Madrid player laying motionless on the ground. A giant chunk of his midsection was missing, and his ribs were exposed.

"What are you doing boy?!" Jace rasped, stirring on my shoulder.

I adjusted Jace so I was pretty much carrying him on my back. It was better not to know what player that was.

We were standing on the opposite sidelines when I collapsed, falling to the ground. It continued to rumble underneath me.

"What in God's name are you doing son?" Jace muttered at me. "Don't stop now."

I mustered all my strength and lifted my partner up again. My arms burned and screamed to relax.

"C'mon Jace." I exclaimed. "We're getting the hell outta he-"

Then it was darkness.

When I opened my eyes, my ears rung like crazy. I reached up and touched my ears, looking back at my hands to see them full of blood. I was sprawled out on the field, several feet away from where I thought I was.

Must've gotten hit by the explosion I thought.

My stomach rolled back and forth and my head spun. I vomited on the ground next to me, reeling back when I realized the pain I was in. I looked down and screamed. Or at least, I think I did, because I couldn't hear a thing. My right thigh was paved in blood and the rest of my leg was gone, torn off my body. I could see my bone and flakes of skin, that was the only sign that I had a thigh left.

I screamed some more, whipping my head around in utter pain. Jace was no longer next to me.

It dawned on me that maybe if I yell loud enough, someone will come help me. I needed to stay alive long enough until help came. If help came.

I coughed blood a few times, spat, and screamed in agony.

I think they stopped. I thought. I hope they stopped.

To my dismay, the ground still trembled as I gripped it.

There was just enough time to think: Just hold out Henry. I hoped that my parents weren't watching this game on their television. I glanced up and looked to the sky. I had just enough time to remember that my parents were probably still sleeping, that they didn't have any idea that their son was dying.

Then, my time ran out.

This little short story will be something that I can enjoy writing now and then when I have time. Don't expect too many updates on a regular basis if you do happen to like my writing sis. Dm me with any questions or concerns. Feedback is always welcome.

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