
As I walked down the streets of Mobius, I saw children running around and laughing. Some of them we're even celebrating. I wondered what was going on, but didn't bother to ask anyone on the streets. Instead, I walked inside the bakery to get some fresh wheat bread.

"G'mornin Mr. Canola." I greeted the man behind the counter with a warm smile.

"Why, good morning Miss. Amy. Did ya hear? They caught 'em."

"Caught who?" I asked, confused.

"Y'know, the mad pirate. Sonic the Hedgehog!"

"Oh yeah, I've read about him. One of the famous pirate robbers, no?"

"You got that right! Ahahaha! I hope the Gov'nah makes that rat suffer!"

"Well, what did this pirate do wrong this time?" I asked curiously.

"Many say he's been targeting villages and attacking em'. His next target was us! What a pity, he thought he could actually fool us!" He let out a hearty laugh, but I couldn't see how that was funny.

"Do you have proof that he's been attacking?"

"Well, uh... That's a good question, I really don't know mahself, Miss. Oh, and here's yer bread."

"Thanks Mr. Canola." I payed for the bread and ran home.

I can't believe the Governor will punish that pirate, without proving him guilty! That's just wrong! I walked in my home and put the bread on the table ready to make lunch for today. My dad came in with his shoe shining kit. Yes, my father works with shoes. He turned around, making his way out the door.

"Father? Where are you going? Lunch is almost ready." I reminded him.

"Don't worry, Sweety, I'm headed to the gov'nahs. He's offered to help us with our lives if I shined his shoes correctly."

"May I come along, father?"

Iv'e got to see this pirate for myself!

"Um... well sure. As long as you don't get into trouble."

"Yes, father." I nodded. But I couldn't truly promise that.


"Good morning, George!" The Governor greeted us warmly.

"Good morning, sir. How do you do?" My father answered.

"I'm alright. Is this your daughter?" He glanced at me.

"Yes, sir."

"Why, isn't she a beauty? Healthy, and alluring too." He reached for my hand and lightly brushed his lips on it as a sign of respect.

"Thank you sir." I smiled.

"Shall we get started with my Royal ball shoes or my Wedding event shoes first?" The governor asked.

Just as my father was about to answer, soldiers rushed in through the doors with a blue hedgehog struggling to get free from their grasp.

"Sir. This is the mad pirate." One of the soldiers glanced at the blue hedgehog.

I gasped.

The mad pirate? The one who planned on attacking us?

"The one who has been causing trouble?" The governor tilted his head, waiting for an answer.

He had reiterated my thoughts exactly.

Sonic: A Pirate's LifeWhere stories live. Discover now