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"Jungkook, did you get any sleep last night?"
Mrs. Jeon took a quick peek over her shoulder to look at her son. She then looked back at the coffee machine and made two cups for herself and Jungkook.

"Yes mom. I slept well. Thank you for the coffee."
Jungkook flashed a quick smile at his mom then focused back onto his coffee.
"You're welcome. Did you want cream or sugar?"
Jungkook mumbled a no thank you and gulped down the bitter liquid.
"I swear, black coffee is disgusting. You're just like your father, he only drinks black coffee."
Ms. Jeon scrunched her face in disgust at the thought of black coffee. She then shoved a shit ton of sugar in her coffee then topped it off with whipped cream and sprinkles. Did I mention she has a sweet tooth?

"Mom, don't eat too much sugar. You're going to have a tummy ache and that's not the best thing to have during a meeting."
"Don't judge me. You came out of me so I get to do whatever I want."
Jungkook mumbled out a "fair enough" and shrugged his shoulders.

"Bye mom. I have to go wake up Taehyung."
"Jungkook, its only 5:30 in the morning."
"Yeah, Taehyung is probably still asleep. Bye mom. Love you, stay safe. Don't work too hard."
Jungkook gave his mom a quick peck on the cheek then left in a hurry. It takes 15 minutes for Jungkook to walk/jog to Taehyung's house. Jungkook was a very respectful boy so, he entered through the window in order to not disrupt the Kim's sleeping. He just wanted to wake up Taehyung.

Back to the story, Jungkook quickly climbed up the nearby tree and hopped onto the sturdy exterior of the window sill. Taehyung usually left the window open for Jungkook. Jungkook then hopped into the large bedroom and admired Taehyung's handsome face for a bit. After 5 minutes of staring and imagining marrying Taehyung, Jungkook lightly shook the sleeping boy.

"Taehyungie, wake up."
Jungkook whispered lowly into the boy's ear. Taehyung stubbornly groaned and pulled Jungkook onto the bed with him. Taehyung lazily mumbled out words that sounded like
"No. sleepy still. Tired. Lay with me. You smell nice."
Taehyung then fell back asleep while sniffing Jungkook. They were very close friends. So close that masculinity wasn't even existent whenever they were around each other. Masculinity as in like, normal bromance shit. It was more like a happy gay couple but not quite there. They never really kissed besides that one time in kindergarten where Jungkook bit his lip too hard that is started swelling and Taehyung just kissed it. Twas real cute.

Jungkook sighed and caressed Taehyung's hair as well as his face.
"Taehyung. It's almost 6."
Jungkook breathily whispered to the half awaken boy.
"Too early. School is stupid."
Taehyung held on tighter to Jungkook after those words of nonsense.

"Fine. I'll leave you and be best friends with Jimin."
With those words said, Taehyung shot out of bed and pouted.
"I'm out! Don't leave me Jungkookie. Pleeeeaaaasssseee! Jimin has Yoongi already. I'm irreplaceable! Just don't leave me."
Taehyung whined while tugging onto Jungkook's arm. Jungkook sighed then chuckled.
"You should know better by now. We've been friends since kindergarten. You're absolutely ridiculous."
Jungkook started to laugh while Taehyung whined.

After Jungkook stopped laughing, he looked back at Taehyung who was still pouting with his brows furrowed.
"I'm sorry for laughing at you Tae."
Jungkook sincerely apologized then kissed his dear friend on the cheek.

Taehyung smiled at the small kiss but still remained stubborn.
"Now that you laughed at me, you need to tell me why I can't sleepover your house."
This was one of their issues. Jungkook was always allowed to sleepover at Taehyung's house but Taehyung wasn't allowed to sleep at Jungkook's. Taehyung has been over Jungkook's house and Mrs. Jeon even allowed him to sleepover. Jungkook is the only one interfering in the whole sleepover idea. Taehyung just wants to know why.

"I don't think I'm ready to tell you."
Taehyung rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Y'know, I'm not stupid. What is it that keeps you up at night? Everyone can clearly see you haven't been sleeping well the past months."
Jungkook shook his head.
"I know you aren't stupid but, I'm not ready."
"You know what? It's probably some chick sleeping at your house. Maybe a secret girlfriend. I'm right, aren't I? You have some chick with you and you just don't wanna tell anyone!"

Jungkook sighed and knew he wasn't gonna get out of this one like the last millions of times this happened.
"Please, don't laugh night, a lady appears in my closet."
Taehyung had no reaction whatsoever.
"Hmm. Okay. Can I sleepover though?"
Jungkook sighed and shook his head.
"No, I don't want her to talk to you. You might get insomnia. She has that type of affect on people. Myself especially."
Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"I'm sleeping over your house tonight. We can talk more about her later. We have to go school."

-After Getting Ready For School-
-After School-

Taehyung and Jungkook (like always) stayed together for the whole day. They were always very close and Taehyung was so excited to sleepover his best friend's house.
"I called your mom this morning and I told mine as well. They both were fine with it."
Taehyung confidently smirked and Jungkook just scoffed.
"Let's just go."

-At Jungkook's House-

Mrs. Jeon wasn't home yet and she was planning on staying till 2AM due to the afternoon meeting which assigned more office work for her. The two boys were currently on the living room floor, laying next to each other.
"Thank god it's Friday."
"Yeah, now let's talk about closet lady. She's interfering with my Jungkookie's sleep."
They faced each other and Jungkook took a deep breath.

"I don't usually get scared but, she scares the shit out of me. She doesn't really have a face. She's tall and slim. She looks a bit dirty, and she wears a stained white dress. It has gray and black stained onto it."
"Hmm. Does she do anything to you?"
"Yeah, she crawls around my room. Sometimes, she also whispers into my ear whenever I face my back to her."
"...oh. Can she touch you?"
"Yeah, she can. I can't see her touching me but, I can just feel it."
"It's ok, you got me now."
Taehyung widely smiled and Jungkook did the same.

New story cuz I'm trash. Baii. Stay safe and take care. Thank you for reading. Sorry for the boring and long chapter.<3<3<3

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