In which you take the long way

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(((chapter 2, thanks for reading and sorry for the long wait. I wanted to finish this forever ago but just didn't. I have no excuse to give. I'm sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy it.)))


The city sky line faded into the distance with the setting sun lightning up the edges, framing the distant buildings. The colours mixed and blurred together beautifully against the night sky and slowly city lights began to trade themselves out in favour of the stars and lightning bugs. The sounds of the city scape slowly left us and all that could be heard was the soft flow of country music.

I knew what Dave meant when he said the long way. Instead of taking the highway we'd take the back roads, he fully intended to take up every single second before the party started. Taking every twisted slowed-down back dirt road he could until we absolutely had to be there. Two hours with Dave, the real Dave. Not some set up mask of Dave. My Dave.

"(Y/N)?" Dave's voice called pulling me back to reality.

"Hmm?" I turned to look at him, tilting me head in question. "What is it, Dave?"

Dave's POV

I chuckled softly at (Y/N)'s cuteness. She had been lost in thought when her favourite song  came on. I called out to her a few times before getting her attention. Honestly, the girl can be so absent minded sometimes. I wonder what she was thinking about?

"(Y/N), it's your song," I smiled softly. Her face lit up as she grinned. When I saw her smile I could feel my heart stop and start up again at a much faster rate.

"Come on, Davie! Sing with me!" (Y/N) begged. She knew exactly what she was doing to me. We'd been friends long enough for her to have me wrapped around her little finger. "Pretty please? I love hearing your voice," she smiled sweetly.

"You just like the accent," I chuckled as I saw her face light up with a blush.

"W-well... You're not wrong," she blushed darker and looked out the window. "A-at any rate... Sing with me," she said and looked back at me with eyes she knew I couldn't say no to.

"Alright, alright. You win, darlin'," I teased and held her hand, keeping the other on the wheel. It wasn't uncommon for us to do this, when we were alone anyway. I glanced over at her and admired the way her cheeks flushed red at the name and the slight accent I'd put on the last word. I smiled pridefully and restarted the song.

Her face lit up and she started to hum to the instrumental. Soon enough we'd replaced the voice that was drifting from the speakers. I didn't particularly care what I sounded like as I was too concerned with (Y/N). Her voice was smooth like honey and as beautiful as she was. I tried to keep my eyes on the road but I only looked at her reflection in the windshield. Thankfully looking at the glass let me stay on the road and not drift into the field like (Y/N) reminded me was possible the first time I looked at her, hence the stalker move with the glass.

As the song came to an end I noticed (Y/N) falling asleep a little, "Did you sleep last night?" I asked knowing she was up late with me on the phone. I didn't expect it to make her this tired though, it was only midnight when I hung up.

She smiled nervously, "W-well yeah... Course I did! Why would you ask...?" she yawned.

"(Y/N)..." I sighed, "What time did you go to sleep?"

She laughed nervously, causing me to shoot her a look. "Okay okay... I didn't sleep much. I was just lost in thought," she admitted, drifting closer and closer to sleep with every word.

"Thoughts of what?" I paused and made he lay down, resting her head on my lap, "Sleep. I'll carry you in and you can have my bed, join the party when you're ready."

"But Dave," she yawned, "I'm fine... Really, I am. Promi..."

I cut her off by stroking her hair and  singing softly. "Sleep (Y/N). Get your rest and if you don't wake up in time for the party you can stay the night and I'll spend all day with you tomorrow."

She nodded and slowly fell asleep. I refocused my eyes on the road, making sure I wouldn't hurt (Y/N). As much as I wanted to look at her I wouldn't risk hurting her.

Soon enough the dirt road changed into my concrete driveway and the peaceful nothingness of open fields changed to my fields and my home. I stopped the car and carried the sleeping angle of a girl into my home. I laid her on my bed and covered her with my sheets and my blankets. Everything around me was mine. Everything except the one thing I wanted most. Everything except for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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