Danielle's Cabin

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It’s one in the morning. Ian and mom are still not home. Nate’s been with me almost all evening. I was getting really sleepy. I forced myself not to fall asleep because when my mother gets home she would see Nate and I in bed and ask if we were having sex. Oh mothers, thinking its always about sex.

My head was laying on Nate’s chest. I was listening to the silent simplicity of his heart beat. I smiled as I thought about how lucky I could be, just laying here in a hot guys arms. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them just about a few later. I almost yelped at what I saw in front of me. But all I did was jump.

“Are you okay Carly?” Nate asked. I felt his voice rumble from his chest. I nodded and rubbed his abed stomach to reassure him. I could feel his breathing go back to normal as he continued to watch the timeless classic, The Little Mermaid.

“What are you doing here?” I mouthed to Jasper.

He smirked and said, “Just watching you and your boyfriend at a close intent. Oh and don’t worry, Nathan wont be able to hear me. Only you can Carly.”

“Why?” I asked him, still mouthing my words.

“Have you ever watched the show ‘Ghost Whisperer’?” I lightly nodded my head, not to disturb Nathan. “Awful show I might add. You are just as the main character. Can see ghosts. It is your gift. Everyone has a gift. They just might not discover it. But you Carly. You can help me. Help this small town. As well as I can help you with the boy.”

“Nate?” I asked. Jasper shook his head.

“First you must believe me that ghosts are real. That none of this is made up. Tell me Carly. Do you believe?” Jasper questioned me.

I thought about it for a moment. The picture in the attic. There’s no way that picture could be faked. It was perfectly old, black and white, water stains, and the date was written on the back. Jasper dressed as if he was actually born in the 1920’s, which in fact he was. He appeared out of no where. There’s no other explanation.

I sighed and mouthed at him, “I believe ghosts are real.” Still partly believing him though. He nodded and disappeared.

“Ugh the movie is over!” Nate whined. I smiled and sat up in the bed. I swung my legs over the bed, about to take the movie out and put in another.

“No!” Nate stopped me, “Um, stay here. The movie will just play over after the credits.” I smiled at him and went back to my stop in his warm inviting arms.

I rested my head in between the perfect spot between his neck and shoulder. Again I closed my eyes, to take in all the wonderful things going on around me. Then once I opened my eyes, there was Jasper in front of my face.

“Kiss him. He wants you to make the first move.” Jasper told me.

“How do you know?” I accidentally said aloud.

“How do I know what?” Nate asked.

“Oh, how do you know that the movie is going to play again after the credits?”

Nate smiled and chuckled, “I know everything.” I laughed too.

“Just do it.” Jasper told me.

I rolled my eyes and looked Nate in the eyes. God I cant believe I’m doing what a ghost told me to do. I don’t even do what my parent tell me to do. Nate smiled at me and grabbed my face. My eyes became wider as Nate’s lips met mine. The kiss my forceful but sweet. Nate smiled in the kiss. Still a bit surprised, all I could do was kiss back.

Once we parted I could hear the echoing laugh from Jasper. My face grew warm and red. From embarrassment and anger. If Jasper wasn’t already dead I would kill him!

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