Meet Jasper

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Woken in another pool of sweat. I looked around my room with the TV still on and the room darker than it was before I fell asleep. I looked at my clock, 9:35 PM. I groaned and rolled out of bed. That was the longest nap ever.

As I sat up in bed I started to remember the dream I had. More like a nightmare really. It started out in my room. I was watching exactly what I fell asleep to, ‘Dear John’. The suddenly this boy Jasper was next to my bed. Thinking he was my brothers friend, I started asking questions about Ian.

Much to my bad luck, he wasn’t a friend of Ian. Didn’t even know him. All he wanted was to talk to me. Carly Miller, a lonely military child who only wanted a good nap. To tired to even argue, I talked to him.

“Do you even know who I am?” He asked me with all seriousness.

“You just told me, Jasper Whitney right? The person who lived in this house before. Over a hundred years ago. The person ‘haunting’ this God forsaken place.” I air quoted haunting. Even in my dreams I didn’t believe this adorable guy.

“Not just this house, Carly. The whole town. If you know the troubles taken within this home a hundred years ago, you’d haunt it too.”

“Right, and if I don’t get out, the worse will happen to my family and me.”

“Yes, I suppose. Maybe you’d like to see for yourself?” He asked and took my hand in his without my say in it. I opened my mouth to object, but with a blink of an eye the whole scenery changed.

I was tied in chair with cloth in my mouth. There was a red haired girl across me with a worried look on her face. She was untied. I looked to my right and saw a woman with blond graying hair. She held two weapons in her hands. A knife and one I didn’t know the name of.

“The lease you can do is untie her. Its not right that I’m untied and she is not.” The girl in front me said in the calmest voice she had at the moment.

The woman smirked at the girl and me and said, “Your right, I like to hear them scream.” She took the cloth from my mouth and walked behind me, opening a door. I couldn’t control my actions. The other girl and I were talking to each other.

“Its not your fault,” She said to me.

“Its always been my fault. You cant take the blame for something that I have done for myself.”

“Is she really going to torture me by making me watch you die?”

“She has a right, Athena, I have done to many sins to live anymore.”

The girl shook her head, “No…” I heard the woman’s footsteps come from behind me. She grabbed a weapon and held it up high. “I like you dear.” The girl said to me.

Then that was the last thing that happened before I woke up. I shook my head and placed my hand on my sweaty forehead. It was only a nightmare.

I stood from my bed and walked out my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I walked to the sliver metal fridge. There was a two notes left on the front. I took them off and read them as I opened the fridge.

The first was from Mom and it said, ‘Went out to a bar with someone I met from the store. There’s ravioli in the microwave. Love, Mommy.’ I put my mothers note on the island counter and looked at my brothers, ‘Went to a party. I would have invited you, but I’m sure no one likes you. I told Nathan to check on you. Don’t be a retard and invite him in, be nice. He likes you, I don’t know why though, your pretty damn ugly. Ian.’ I rolled my eyes at Ian’s note and put it next to Mom’s on the island.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and took the ravioli Mom made me out the microwave. Still warm. I smiled as I could feel my mouth watering from the delicious Chef Boyardee I call a delicacy. I ate the food pretty quickly. Once I was done I finished my water and put my bowl in the sink.

JasperWhere stories live. Discover now