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I woke up in a pool of sweat. Very unusual for me. I rolled over in my damp covers and took the clock from my night stand. ‘4:35 AM’ It read. I groaned and rolled on my back as I let go of the clock and it fell to the ground with a light thud. Why must I wake up two hours earlier than I normally do.

I groaned once more as I rolled out of bed and slowly moved to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I locked the door behind me and striped down to nothing. I turned on the shower and stepped in.

I was probably in for an hour or so. When I got out the shower I could hear my brother yelling at some unknown thing or person and I could smell the bacon and pancakes aroma from downstairs coming up to my room and making me more hungry than I already was.

I stepped out the shower and wrapped and towel securely around my body. I cleared the steam on my mirror from my shower and looked at my damp reflection. After making sure my towel was tightly wrapped around my body I took a brush from my counter and my blow dryer and started blow drying my hair and making it wavy instead of my natural strawberry blond hair.

Once I was finished and most of the steam exited the bathroom I could almost feel a presence in the other room. I held the towel against my body and entered the small room. I sat on the Murphy bed and looked out the window. The view was almost the same as the one in my room, but a bit off.

I couldn’t figure out what to do with this room. Weather to turn it into another closet, keep it sealed off, or something different. I stood from the tiny bed attached to the wall and turned towards the door. I nearly peed myself when I saw the small black cat come through the door.

“Midnight! You scared the shit out of me.” I talked to the cat as if it were a real person. I didn’t pick her up since I just took a shower. I just pet her head gently and walked back in the bathroom, lightly closing the maid’s door behind me.

I let out a ear wrecking scream as I entered the bathroom. My hear was racing and it was suddenly getting hot. I fanned myself and I looked in the mirror through the words written in my cherry red lipstick.

I heard my brothers heavy footsteps running into my room. He knocked on my door three times before yelling, “Carly, what the hell in going on in there?”

“C-come in…” I croaked out.

Ian burst through the door and looked at me with question in his eyes. “Please tell me you did that…” I said to him, slightly out of breath.

Ian’s eyes widened as he saw the neatly scrawled words on the mirror. “N-no. Did you?” He screeched. This was one of the few times I saw him scared. I could see the fear in his eyes. He knew about this house like everyone else in this town did. The only other times I’ve seen him like this is when dad leaves and when Grandma died.

“Now why would I do this?” I asked him and leaned on the counter to catch my breath. I picked up my ruined lipstick and whined, “Aw my lipstick is ruined. It was my favorite.”

“Well you looked like a whore with it on anyway.” He commented and ran his fingers though his wet hair. I could tell he just got out the shower, just like me. He was wearing some fitting pants and no shirt. For my brother, he had a nice body. But he was definitely the ugliest in the family. Well to me anyway.

I heard light footsteps come through my door. Ian and I turned our heads as we watched our mother come through the door. Her heels clicked on the tile floor of the bathroom. She faced the mirror and looked at the writing.

“Stay away from the evil,” She read out loud. She rolled her eyes, “For God’s sake please clean this up Carly. I don’t want any of these haunted house rumors going around.”

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