Finding Out

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“Hey, its that freak girl that moved into the Whitney house. How long do you think she’ll last?” I heard someone ask as I walked down the stairs and over into the parking lot. I walked over to my brothers yellow jeep.

“Have you been getting the same crap as me all day?” I asked, throwing my school bag in the trunk, then looked at my brother.

“Mostly. But they say the hot freak boy Ian.” He told me with a smile.

“Don’t get to cocky. I could always rip that pretty right off your face.” I smiled and pinched my brothers cheek. Ian rolled his eyes and turned around, going to the drivers seat. I heard Ian start up the truck. I walked up to the drivers window, “Could you hand me my purse?” I asked.

Ian rolled his eyes and reached in the passengers seat and grabbed my pink purse. “Pink compliments your skin tone and brings out your eyes. You should defiantly wear it more,” I told him. He faked a gag and handed me my purse. “I’m going to look around the town. I’ll call you or mom if I get lost.” I told him.

“Carly, last time you got lost we couldn’t find you for two hours.”

“The bus driver said the bus stayed in the town! How did I know he was being sarcastic?” I asked.

Ian rolled his eyes and said, “Whatever, just promise me not to get lost again? Do this one thing for me. Oh and get rid of that smelly cat in your room.” He scrunched his nose.

“You said one thing. Its either I don’t get lost or the cat gets lost. I’d rather much get lost myself.” I started picking my nails. Ever so often glancing at my brother. A smile crept on my face when I saw him give me a dirty look.

“Get lost. Keep the cat. I rather you get lost and get killed than me having the joy of keeping you as a little sister.” He said sarcastically.

I laughed and just as I was about to say some perfect smart remark I heard a familiar voice behind me. “Oh trust me Ian, you don’t have to worry about Carly getting lost. She’ll be with me tonight.” I turned my head at the voice and saw Nathan stand behind me. If I were to turn all the way around me and Nathans noses would be touching. I tried so hard not to think about that. But when I did I felt a deep crimson blush on my cheeks.

“Fine with me. See you later Carly. Bye Nat.” Ian waved before driving out the schools parking lot.

I fully turned around to look at Nathan after stepping forward a step to give us room. “How do you know my brother?” I asked with a smile on my face.

“The same way I know you. We have gym together.” Nathan answered then said, “Well don’t expect to keep me waiting long Carly. Get in the car.” Nathan opened the door to his car. I smiled and stepped in before he closed the door and ran over to the drivers side.

Once Nathan was in his car and driving down the street I said, “Now you tell me Nathan, where are you taking me? I cant be getting kidnapped on my second day in Maine.”

“My sister, Kelly. You did promise her that you two were going to hang out. Right?” He asked with a raise of his brow. Oh how cute that looked on him. Shut up Carly. You cant be thinking about boys right now. You have to figure out a way to get out of this town as fast as possible and back to New York where you just started making good friends.

“Yeah, but I didn’t think she took it seriously…” I muttered.

“Kelly takes everything seriously. Sometimes you have to watch out for her. She can be a bit… whats the word I’m looking for…” He wondered as he came to a slow down in front of a two story house.

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