👻The New Girl👻

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Finn Wolfhard struggles to stay awake during Math class. Everytime he would doze off his best friend Caleb would always shake his arm. Public School sucks! Private school was so much better. Nothing fun or interesting ever happens here.

"Okay class, we have a new student today! Her name is Millie Brown." Mrs. Webb, the teacher says.

Finn looks up at the girl. She doesn't look like the other girl in his class. She has sort of a boy haircut. It was almost summer and she wore a sweater. Something about this weirdo intrigued Finn. He liked how different she was. He realized he was staring and blinked out of his thoughts.

"She looks like a freak." Caleb said and giggled a little.

"I think she looks... Interesting." Finn says

"Millie would you like to tell us about yourself?" Mrs. Webb asks the new girl

The new girl shakes her head and walks to an empty seat beside Finn. She sits.

Finn leans over and introduces himself. "Hi, I'm Finn."

"Millie." New Girl says really quietly
Finn leans back into his seat and thinks about this girl. The bell rings signaling it's lunch time.

Finn walks to lunch with Caleb and his other friends, Noah and Gaten.

"What's for lunch today?" Gaten asks as we enter the mess hall.

"I don't know find out for yourself." Caleb said walking to the end of the line.

Once they grab their lunch (Burgers) they all sit at their usual table. Finn spots Millie sitting alone on the other side of the mess hall. A few girls at the nearby tables kept looking at her and whispering. Finn felt bad for this new girl. So Finn stands up and grabs his lunch.

"Finn what are you doing?" Noah asks

"I'm gonna go sit somewhere else. Um, this table stinks." Finn says and walks to Millie. He plops down. Millie doesn't even look at him.

"Hi." He smiles

Millie looks up from her plate, she does some kind of fake smile and looks back down. That doesn't bother Finn, he just starts eating his food. The girl occasionally would look up at him. She wouldn't say anything though.

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