Love Muffins 1

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Henry was walking past in the bank when he heard some noises coming from inside, so he quickly popped a bubble and run inside. He soon I found captain man grabbing a muffin and started to eat. "Hey captain man what are you doing?" Henry asked as he runs up next to ray and glares at the woman who had lot's of muffins." Oh Kid Danger this woman who I was about to put in jail gave this muffin and it taste great!"

"But before I go to jail can I get a kiss?" The woman asked ray as she leans forward at ray leans forward and let ray come forward too." Now,no one is kissing anyone! Henry shouted out as he pushed the woman away from ray. Henry moved closer to ray as he pointed his watch at the woman." I'm sorry,but  it's time furry "_  Henry was cut off when ray grabbed his face and kissed him.

Henry's eyes widen as a dark blush covered his face. Henry quickly moved away from ray with shock all cover his face." Ray what are you doing?!?" Henry shouted not carrying if the woman hears close" I love you so much." Ray said as Henry's face grow warm.
Hey! Hen ( Ray shouted) wait for me Ray said
What?! Did u say Ray Hen said

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