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"When can I leave"
"Soon but can you get your phone"
"Yes please I want to"

I go upstairs to get my phone. I check it and I have a bunch of texts from my friend.

I told her about them and she hasn't stopped

I go back downstairs slowly looking at my phone.

"Can you walk faster please" my dad says as the boys start laughing
"Sure" I stay at the same pace

I finally make it downstairs still looking at my phone responding to my texts. They're from this boy that I like and he likes me but we won't do anything about it

"Finally your here I need you to put their numbers in your phone"
"Wait what"
"Yeah I find it weird having young children's numbers in my phone. So you have to have them"
"Ugh fine"
"Oh and I have to go to work and they're not leaving for another hour so you have to stay with them"

He leaves and they start asking about the phone number.

"Oh yeah I'll just pass my phone down and you can just put the number in. Here" I say passing my phone across the table. It lands to who I think is zach.

"Um you got a text"


"I don't know the contact just has the heart eye emoji. Ooo do you have a boyfriend"

"It's confusing but what did he say"

"He said 'hey can I ask you an important question'"

"Really that's good"

"Why and who is he" he says

"Ok so basically I started liking him and I told my old friend but she told him and I was upset but then he texted me saying i like you too. But i didn't answer cause I didn't know what to say. But now he's texting me again and that's a good sign"

"Why is it a good sign" zach asks

"I don't know it just is. Now either text him back for me saying what or give me the phone so I can do it"

"I just said 'hey what is it' oooo he's typing"

"Okay and here's where it gets nerve wrecking. But just put the numbers in and whoever it goes to when he responds tell me"

"Okay" he says putting his number in and passing it to jack. Jack puts his number in and passes it to Daniel then He passes it to Jonah.

"He responded" Jonah says

"Okay and what did he say"

"He asked what are you doing tomorrow"

"Of course. But um just say  I'm busy"

"Are you sure are you even busy"

"No but I can say I am"


"I dont know just to keep him wondering. Don't judge someone told me that boys hate that and they'll like you even more so I do that"

"Wow that's harsh and she's right we hate that" Jonah says

"good he deserves it"

"No boy deserves that"

"Trust me he does" i respond back

"Care to explain"

"Nah I'm good"

"Ok then"

"Well is everyone done with the phone i need to tell my friend about this"

"Nope i still need to" Corbyn says

"Ok well here" I say giving it to him

He put in the number and I sent a text individually saying that it's me

"Is your dad serious with what he said about you" Jonah asks

"Which part."

"Where he said you get embarrassed in front of guys you find attractive"

"Um yeah I mean no it's not only guys I find attractive"

"Oh so do you find us attractive" jack asked

"I don't feel comfortable answering that"

"Okay so that means we are"

"I never said that."

"Oh but you applied it"

"Oh look at the time I gotta go"

"Okay we were leaving"

"I was joking but if you have to"

"Yeah we do have to go it's getting late" they all say at the same time

"Woah how did you do that say the words at the same time"


"This is weird." I say

"Text us if you need anything"

"Ok stop saying things at the same time it's weird and okay I will same to you"

"Bye" jack said
"Later" Daniel said
"See ya" Corbyn said
"Adios" zach said
"Good luck with that boy keep me updated" Jonah said
"Bye guys and sure"

Just as I said that they left and I got a text from Jonah

Jonah 😍-Hey it was nice meeting you. Did you see what I made my contact name
Me- oh wow seriously
Jonah 😍- yup lol
Me- nice meeting you too
Jonah 😍- how's that guy going
Me- he hasn't responded and I'm kind of mad
Jonah 😍- see that's why you don't lead a boy on
Me- well in that case bye
Jonah 😍- wait what
Me- I'm "leading a boy on" now good night
Jonah 😍- nice well talk to you tomorrow
Me- bye

I put down my phone and go to sleep. Wow that was a big day

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