Crash landed

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There was a ringing sound. But that was the only thing she could hear. She felt cold.

So cold.

She also felt numb. Except for the pounding in her head and neck. She couldn't open her eyes though and she didn't know why. She couldn't even breath. She struggled to breath.

Trying so hard to.

She was so scared. She didn't know what was happening, she couldn't remember anything. Nothing. Then her eyes opened, and she could see, but it was blurry. Everything was white, then she turned and she saw a bright light and she felt a radiating heat coming from it. As her vision focused she realized that it was fire. And all she was breathing in was smoke.

She quickly looked around and her eyes widened. She was outside in the middle of nowhere. And it just had to be snowing. She tried to move but couldn't. She looked down and noticed that she was handcuffed to a chair, that was hanging off of something.

She kept looking. Trying to figure out what she could do. The smoke was starting to hurt her throat and eyes, and she started to cough.

She looked down at the snowy ground and saw puddles of red in the snow everywhere. It scared her and she cried out in fear. "Oh my god!" She tried to wiggle away and in the process she shook her seat out of whatever it was hanging off of and it fell, with her in it, about ten feet above the ground.

She landed right on her shoulder and she screamed. "Ahhh!" The seat made her fall faster than her own body weight would have made her. The only good thing to happen was that parts of the chair broke and the cuffs came off of it. She carefully rolled off and away from it, groaning in pain.

She gripped her right side with her left hand. If feels like she broke her ribs in the fall. "Fuck!" She cried. "What! Happened!" She looked up and saw what looked like half a plane. Her eyes widened and she started to remember everything. Her assignment. The plane ride. The bitchy passengers. Johnson... And the plane crash.

"Fucking cheep ass planes!" She said in annoyance.

Maggie crawled away from the debris. She needed to figure out where she was and fix her bones before she could save herself. As she crawled through the snow she felt light headed and dizzy. She glanced down at the lower half of her body and frowned.

"Great I'm leaking." She touched her leg and she winced before she took in a sharp in take of breath, through her teeth as she felt her wound. "Great! Now I need to cauterize it." She grumbled, then started moving forward again.

Maggie crawled for a while among the rubble. Looking for anything that could help her. She crawled up into the cock pit and shoved the pilot out of her way.

She found a red box with a white cross on it and smiled. "Ooh! An emergency kit." She said in a monotoned voice. She whined as she got up on her knees and yanked the box down from the wall. She fell back and hit her head. She thumped against some metal. "Ouch." She said plainly. But as she was on the floor she saw that the pilot; she moved to the side, had a little utility looking belt on him. She reached up and unhooked it from him. She felt weird while doing it. She furrowed her brows as she stared at his face. "Uh... Rest in peace... And all that." Then she reached up and closed his eyelids.

She looked down at the belt and she unsnapped the pockets. She smirked when she found a locked lighter and a swiss army knife in it. There was also a couple things of star burst, which might come in handy if her blood sugar started to drop from the blood loss. "Sweet."

She put the belt on and then started messing with her clothes. She reached down and ripped her pant leg apart. She opened the box and pulled out some bandages and a little bottle of peroxide for her other scrapes and gashes.

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