Request-Seelie Court Confessions

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This was requested by emelie_rae

Blake's POV

I was woken up by the sunlight shining through my bedroom curtains. I roll over and see Sebastian in bed next to me. I smile and wake him up.

"Good morning love" Sebastian says in his accent that I love so much.

"Good morning." I reply sitting up and running my hand through my long, wavy, brown hair. I get up and put some clothes on. Sebastian also gets some clothes on as I go to get myself some breakfast. I walk into the kitchen and find Jace sitting and eating some waffles. I get myself some waffles and sit beside him.

"Have a good sleep Blake?" Jace asked me, leaning over and kissing my cheek. I hum and nod in response. Jace and I have been dating for the past month even though Jace did cut off my father's hand, but ever since Izzy brought Sebastian Verlac to the New York Institute, I have been hooking up with him behind Jace's back.

When I finish my breakfast I go back to my room to get ready for the day. Sebastian had already gotten all of his belongings out of my room from the night before in case Jace decides to surprise me in my room. I shower and get dressed. I brush my hair and brush my teeth. I do my usual makeup routine and grab my stele. I walk out to the main area of the Institute.

"Blake, there you are. I need you to go on a mission with Jace, Clary, and Sebastian" Alec Lightwood, the Head of the New York Institute, tells me as soon as he sees me.

"Umm..." I think about the risks of going on a mission with my boyfriend and the guy I've been sleeping with behind my boyfriend's back. "Sure." I finish, hesitantly.

"You are all going to the Seelie Court to meet with the Seelie Queen about Kaylee killing Shadowhunters. She asked specifically for the four of you." Alec informed me. I nod and meet up with Jace, Clary, and Sebastian.

Time Skip

The five of us were now in the Seelie realm. Clary's vampire boyfriend, Simon decided to join us even though Jace and I told him that it wasn't a very wise choice. As we are all walking, Simon walks up to a tree and is about to touch it before Jace stops him.

"I mean if you want to die, go right ahead and touch the tree." I told Simon, getting a chuckle from Jace and a scowl from Clary in return. Simon gets away from the tree but kills a bug that lands on him in the process.

We got to the Seelie Court where the Seelie Queen was waiting for us. We talked about Kaylee until the Seelie Queen asked to speak to Simon in private. We all waited for the two of them to finish their private talk and come back so we could go back to the Institute. After a few minutes of waiting, Simon and the Seelie Queen came back and all of a sudden Simon, Jace, and Sebastian were being wrapped up in vines. The vines start to climb up the boys to their necks.

The Seelie Queen tells Clary and I that we are all going to play a game. She tells us to get the kiss that we most desire. Clary goes and kisses Simon as I kiss Jace. When we both pull away the vines are still wrapped around the boys.

"You can both lie to yourselves but you can't lie to me." The Seelie Queen says. Clary and I both freeze and then we look at each other. She silently asks for my permission to kiss Jace and I give her a slight nod as I walk up to Sebastian. I kiss Sebastian and Clary kisses Jace. As soon as we pull away the vines disappear and we can all feel the awkward tension in the air. We ask if we can leave and the Seelie Queen points out that one of us had already left. We look around and noticed that Simon had left already.

We all run out of the Seelie Realm and back to New York. Clary leaves to go find Simon while Jace starts on his way back to the Institute. I run up to Jace and grab him arm.

"I can explain Jace." I say

"Explain what Blake? That you love Sebastian? Like the Seelie Queen said you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me." Jace yelled at me. Sebastian didn't like Jace yelling at me so he walked up to the two of us.

"Do not yell at her. I understand that you are upset but there is no reason to yell at her." Sebastian says in a stern voice.

"There is a reason to yell at her! She has been lying to my face ever since you got here! You and her have probably been sleeping together behind my back this entire time!" Jace yelled at Sebastian. Sebastian and I both freeze for a moment before I look down in guilt. "You have been sleeping with each other behind my back, haven't you? You son of a bitch!" Jace yells again before punching Sebastian across the face. Sebastian falls back and holds his face where Jace's fist just hit.

"What the hell Jace!" I yell before running over to see if Sebastian is okay.

"You can have her" Jace says to Sebastian. "Just know that I'm a Herondale and I authority over you both." Jace threatens before walking away to go back to the Institute. I help Sebastian up off the ground and I check his face again. As I am checking his face I notice that he is staring at me.

"What?" I ask Sebastian

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asks me

"You are staring at me." I inform him

"Oh, it's just that you are so beautiful." He says looking into my green eyes.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I question

"Of course I do. I think you are the most beautiful girl in existence, Blake Starkweather." He tells me, leaning down to my height and kissing my lips gently. When we pull away I smile and hug him.

"I'm sorry Jace hit you." I whisper

"It's not your fault, love. He had every right to hit me. I fell in love with his girl." Sebastian said in his accent that I just adore. I look up at him.

"You love me?" I ask

"I am madly in love with you." Sebastian says.

"I love you too" I pull him down and kiss him. It gets a little heated before we pull away.

"In my opinion, I don't think we should go back to the Institute after what just happened." Sebastian laughs

"I totally agree." I reply.

"My place?" Sebastian suggests. I smile and nod. Sebastian piggy backs me all the way back to his apartment and when we get there we show each other just how much we have fallen in love with each other.

I hope you liked it. Thank you emelie_rae for requesting this imagine.

Love you guys 

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