The 6th Day of Christmas

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Rowan and the boys sat outside of Sutton's room, afraid to see her in such a bad state. She still hadn't woken up and they didn't know if she would. At least that's where their thoughts were before her mom came out of her room.

"Sutton is awake," she stated, wringing her hands. "She only wants to see Rowan." Everyone was standing up and the boys slowly sat back down as Rowan made her way into the room.

She saw Sutton lying under the thin sheets, propped up with a big pillow behind her back. Her leg was raised under the sheet and Rowan assumed it was propped up on something.

"Hey," Rowan whispered and sat down in the chair Sutton's mother had used.

"Hey." Sutton opened her eyes to look at Rowan. It wasn't because she was tired or in pain. Sutton was afraid to say what she needed to say.

"You wanted me..?" Rowan half stated her question.

"Um, yeah. I wanted to tell.. to ask if you could tell the boys I don't want to see them. I just want to go home and I should be leaving tomorrow if everything goes right." Sutton rushed out her words.

"Uh, yeah, does that mean me too?" Rowan looked at Sutton.

Sutton stared back, afraid to say anything.

"Okay," Rowan understood and got up. Sutton let her walk through the door without another word.

"So?" Liam got up from his chair as Rowan walked out.

"She wants us to leave."

"What?" Ricky stood beside Liam. Emery had a puzzled expression on his face.

Rowan didn't repeat herself and headed for the exit. The boys followed her out, all four of them with their heads bowed. The boys had been with Sutton for so long, and now she didn't want them around for good.

A/N: Sorry these are short, there's not much to put when Sutton is stuck in a hospital bed and I don't want to just have the boys' view without Sutton or Sutton's view without the boys.

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