Party part three

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'Luna's POV'
We're been in the car for forty-five minutes. I'm in a car with Noah, Sammy, and Carson. Tessa and Xavier are in their car with the triplets in the back. King and Rowan in their car. Noah said we'll be there in twenty minutes. "Mama are we there yet." Sammy asked. I shook my head no and he sighed. Soon enough it was twenty minutes later and we pulled up at the party. I got out the car and got Sammy out also. Noah got Carson and locked the doors. Tessa and Xavier are also here and out the car while, King and Rowan are getting out now. "Ok let's go in and slay." King said. We all nodded and walked in. This party was for all the gangs and companies so since Xavier is the former leader he can come and bring his family. He passed it to Ice since Noah and King wanted to be with there family and not have them in danger and I'm proud of them for that. We walk in like a squad. We were late since I did makeup on Carson and she couldn't stay still. As soon as everyone sees us, they stop talking and just stares. One person was staring dead at Noah with lust in their eyes. I got mad and wrapped my arm around his waist. He looked down at me and smiled while kissing my forehead. 'Pic above of the girl'
When we got to the bottom we went straight to our table. Five minutes later Xavier and Tessa went to talk to some of their friends and the rest of us stayed here. Soon the girl that was staring at Noah came. "Hi. My name is Honey and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me." She asked. Before he could say anything, Sammy said something that shocked us. "Leave my daddy alone. He has mama and she looks so much better than you and she has a better name. Your name is what bears eat." Sammy said angrily. I busted out laughing and so did Noah. Carson heard us and giggled to. She huffed and walked away. "Ok today we are giving out free trips to Hawaii in 5 years." The host, Bryan said. "The person with the most children here please come up." He said. I got up and grabbed Carson while Noah got Sammy. King didn't get up because she only has one kid. Tessa and Xavier would of got up here if all their kids were here but they still could of went since 5 of their kids are here. It looks like it's only us up here. "Here you go Mr. Smith." Bryan said in slight fear. Noah nodded and grabbed the tickets. We left the stage and went back to the table. "Alright let's go home I'm tired." Tessa said. We nodded.

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