Welcome home babies

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'Tessa's POV'
Awww my babies are so cute. "Ok so you know how to feed the baby's right." The nurse asked. I nodded and started to feed Jace first. Then Colton. And last Kade. Soon Kayla walks in with her twins and she starts telling them about how me and Xavier make cute babies. "Awwwww Tessa Ima take your kids because there so cute." Kayla said. I laughed and Noah walks in with Sammy and Carson in his arms while Luna is pushing the stroller. "Mom this is the 3 time I've been in this same hospital room." Noah said. "Alright people get out cause Tessa needs to get dressed.
'5 hours later'
We're finally ready to leave the hospital and the triplets are in their car seats while Xavier is putting the stuff in the house. I pick up Kade and Jace and walk out the room and into the elevator. Three minutes in a elevator is torture with the stupid music. I walk out to the car and put in Jace and Kade. Xavier is in the hospital room getting Colton. "Ok let's go home." Xavier said while putting Colton in the car.
'Noah's POV'
Right now Sammy and I are at moms house with Luna and Carson. We're finishing the nursery before mom and dad get home. 'Pic below'

I can't wait for my baby brothers to grow up and get their own houses and wife's and children

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I can't wait for my baby brothers to grow up and get their own houses and wife's and children. Mom always said when me and King were little that you can get anything you want to you work for it. "Sammy can you go and grab Carson's dipper bag for me please." Luna asked him. He nodded and ran to get it. "Is my little girl giving you trouble." I ask Luna while she nods fast. "Here you go." Sammy said, handing the bag to Luna. She changes Carson then puts her down. I pick Carson up and put her on my hip. "How's daddy's little girl." I ask her. She babbles in her own language back. I laugh and soon hear the door open. Mom walks though with KT in her arms while, Jace and Colton in dads arms. "GRANDMA. GRANDPA." Sammy yelled out while hugging moms leg. "Sammy come back grandma and grandpa are holding uncles." Luna told him. He runs over to her and get in her lap. "Why are my uncles babies." He asked. "Because they were born years later after me and auntie King." I told him. "OMG. I love the nursery, thank you so much you guys are the best." Mom said while putting KT in his crib and dad putting Jace and Colton in theirs. "Mom tomorrow can you take Luna and King and Carson to pick out a dress for the party uncle Matt is having." I ask her. She nodded and pulled out her phone, probably to call King. "Ok, let's go home." I tell Sammy, Luna, and Carson. I put Carson in her car seat and pick it up, walking to the door. Luna gets Sammy and puts him on her hip. I say my goodbyes as do Luna and Sammy and then we leave. 'Five minutes later'
We're now back home and Sammy is now done with his bath and getting in bed while I'm putting Carson down. "Goodnight baby, I love you." I whispered in her ear. I walk out while closing the door and turning off the light.

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