Chapter 1 ( Purple Peeker)

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Steven's P.O.V.

I could feel Amethyst's eyes on the back of my head as I rummaged around in the kitchen. I heard her munching as she was eating a bag of a potato chips. I opened a cabinet to see what snacks were inside as I scanned through boxes and bags.

Steven: Hmmm...canned vegetables, he's not going to eat that.

I mumbled to myself.

Steven: What about fruit?

I asked myself. Whether he likes fruits or not, he has to eat them. It's good for him, if it wasn't for me, he would be super unhealthy and maybe even overweight. I said before going over to the refrigerator. Opening it, I took out 2 shiny red and ripe apples and bottles of water before I tucked them into my backpack. I went back over to the cabinet and took some cans of vegetables and also put them into my backpack. I then began to make a ham and cheese sandwich, knowing that having some protein was a good idea. I told Pearl to grab some things that were healthy, organic and overall low in calories. She thought I was going on a diet or something but didn't ask any questions. I didn't eat the stuff, it wasn't really for me. Amethyst didn't really mind the stuff either and she sometimes snuck a few snacks away when I wasn't looking, like that bag of chips she was eating right now. I figured I should pack the rest of the chips and grabbed a hand full of them and pushing them into my backpack as well. I heard Amethyst swallowing before she spoke up.

Amethyst: Dang Steven, are you preparing for an apocalypse or something? Your going to let me have some of that stuff right?

Amethyst said before she balled up the now empty potato chip bag into a ball before popping it into her mouth and swallowing it with ease.

Steven: It's not for us.

Amethyst: Then who's it for? What are you doing with all that food? Are you and Connie going on a picnic again. I don't think she'd eat that sort of stuff.

Steven: It's for someone else.

I tried to keep quiet but Amethyst was just getting even more curious as she gasped in surprised.

Amethyst: Your not sneaking off with some other girl are you?

Steven: What?! N-no!

I said with disbelief before I blushed a bright pink. I heard Amethyst laugh loudly.

Amethyst: I'm just messin with ya Steven.

She said before coming over and slapping me on the back.

Amethyst: But you've got a secret, don't you. I won't call Pearl and Garnet if you let me come with you.

Steven: It's not a secret but ok, you can come. I was just going to visit (Y/n).

Amethyst: (Y/n)? I've never heard of that name before. Is it someone new in town?

Steven Universe: No, he's been here for a while now, he just doesn't go out much.

Amethyst: Oh, that would explain why your always disappearing sometimes.

Steven: Yeah, I kind of look after him. I worry for him. It's not healthy being inside all day, that's why I'm bringing him all this stuff. I'm trying to keep him fed and healthy, he often skips meals.

Amethyst: Staying in all day and eating snacks has to make his house a mess. Sounds like my kind of place.

Amethyst said before she pulled my hand.

Amethyst: Let's go then.

She said excitedly. Amethyst and I were now outside as we closed the door and made our way down the temple stairs.

Amethyst: So what does this guy do anyway?

Amethyst asked.

Steven: Well, he has a bunch of hobbies, he plays videogames but it's not the only thing he likes. He likes to read, make up indoor sports and he has special connections which let's him get movies and other exclusive items way before anyone else.

Amethyst: Cool! How come you haven't said anything about him sooner?

Steven: He's....a bit weird and I'm the only one who he'll even let into his house other than like Jamie, Barbara and Vidalia so don't get offended if he doesn't let you in.

Amethyst: Nah, it's alright.

Amethyst said as we continued to walk. By now, we were on the board walk and passed the amusement park before making a turn.

Steven: His house is just up ahead. I pointed forward.

Amethyst: Woah, I've been walking here all of this time and I've never noticed a house down here.

Steven: It's easy to miss since his house is a bit small and it's wedged between two bigger ones.

I explained before we finally arrived at a baby blue colored house. I happily walked up to the door and gave 3 gentle but firm taps. It was silent for a moment and no one answered. I was quickly beginning to worry and thought something may have happened to (Y/n). I looked at Amethyst with concern who's eyes were also narrowed as if she could sense something was wrong. We both looked as if we were going to break down the door before noises were heard from the other side of it. It sounded like someone falling and glasses breaking.

(Y/n): Who is it?

A tired bored voice rang out. I looked up into the peephole of the door, knowing that (Y/n) would be looking through it.

Steven: It's just me?

I said with a toothy smile.

(Y/n): Tch, obviously. You know you don't have to take on the role of my Mom, Steven.

I could hear (Y/n) sighing as he fidgeted with the lock on his door. In seconds the door opened big enough to where only a small child could slip through. It was super dark inside and I couldn't see (Y/n) before his eyes peeked out from behind the shadow of the door. He glanced down at me before catching sight of Amethyst.

Amethyst: Hey, dude!

She said with a cheshire like grin in a laidback tone while she attempted to get a glimpse of (Y/n). (Y/n) let out a short scream before his thin pale hand shot out and quickly pulled me inside and slammed the door.

Steven: What's wrong?

I asked him as soon as we were inside. (Y/n) on the other hand was struggling to lock his door in fright as he turned around to me.

(Y/n): I thought you said that you were alone.

He said in a frantic voice

Steven: It's just me now.

(Y/n): Are you aware that there's some weird purple skinned, white haired thing out there with you?!

(Y/n) said as he sounded utterly horrified.

Steven: That's just Amethyst. She's harmless....sort of.

No sooner had I said that, I could here Amethyst on the other side of the door outside.

Amethyst: Are you guys talking about me. I think I heard my name. I'll just wait out here then.

(Y/n): GAH! It talks!

Amethyst: I can do a lot of things.

Amethyst responded from the other side of the door. (Y/n) was looking at her through the peephole of the door before Amethyst's eye suddenly appeared on the other side of it. (Y/n) quickly backed away from the door as Amethyst's muffled laughter could be heard on the other side.

Steven Universe (Purple Purpose) AmethystxMaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now