This Or That ?

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► Cookies or cake? Cookies 😋( I Can't Eat Cake If It Don't Have Whip Cream Icing Tho 🤤😩)

► Computer games or video games?Video Games GTA ❤️😩My Favorite and San Andreas🤗 Rey upgrade to a PS4 tho

► Pop music or Rock music? neither

► Stuff animals or dolls? neither

► Pancakes or waffles? Both cool  (Well I'm not big on pancakes i can't eat more then one i have to make a small one 😂and waffles good asf in the microwave 🤤)

► Hot chocolate or coffee? coffee Starbucks 🤤😓😍❤️my life 😂

► Morning or evening?Evening

► Day or night?Day (I Hate When Nighttime Cone 😩I be hella bored yo )

► Text message or call?Call 😝

► Library or museums? museums

► French or Spanish?Spanish

► Summer or winter?Winter (I love summer but I hate the fucking bugs yo🙄)

► Theater or cinema?Theater

► Love or money?Money 🙌🏾Fuck Niggas Get Money All Summer 17 🤗I'm Dragging baby 😂

► Book or movie?Book (I have a 55inch flat screen tv and the shit is a waste I never watch it 💀🤦🏾‍♀️Rey sell the Fuck out of this tv but unless my nieces and nephews here I turn that shit on when outside Get dark and go right back to my phone )

► Tea or coffee? Tea

► Chocolate or vanilla? Both

► Coca Cola or Pepsi?Coca cola

► Rain or snow? Rain (with thunder and lighting ❤️)

► Car or motorcycle?Car

► Comedy or horror? Both

► Hamburgers or hotdogs?Hamburgers

► Boat or plane?Neiter (I never been on either 😐well the boat roller coasters at six flags and Hershey park 😂😭💀but wait my niece 2 and just got on her first plane ride 😒she younger then me catching flights and shit 😩😂)

► Painting or drawing? Both

► Reading or writing? both

► Singing or dancing? Rapping ?😂😩be litt asf I pull my karaoke machine out and be litt asf rapping in the house

► T-Shirts or sweaters?Sweaters
► Flowers or trees?Flowers

► Phone or computer?phone

► Brown or black hair?Brown

► Superman or Batman?Neither

► Doctor Who or the Walking Dead? the Walking Dead I need to watch season 7 I seen one episode and that's it I'm waiting for that shit to drop on Netflix 😂😩Man

► Lions or bears?Lions

► Milk or juice?Juice (I hate milk I can't drink it unless i eat my cereal out of it and drink after 😂)

► Gold or silver?Gold

► 50's or 80's music?80's❤️🙌🏾

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