chapter 11: namjoon

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I hold hands with Yoongi and we walk to the bridge.

"Why are we here?" Yoongi says.

"I need to refresh my mind.." I say, while the soothing sound of waves splash underneath me.

I close my eyes and listen to the peaceful waves. I open my eyes to see Yoongi's face in front of mine. I smile softly and he does to.

"Want to do it?" I say, eyeing him.

"Do wh- no way, Y/N!" Yoongi says.

"Pleaaassseee" I say with puppy dog eyes.

"No! Are you fucking crazy!" Yoongi says.

"Fine" I say and I jump off.

"Y/N!" I hear Yoongi say.

Before landing in the water, I giggle and I feel the ice cold water crash against my body. I start sinking and I try to get back up. What the hell? Why is this lake so deep?


I open my eyes and I see Yoongi's face in front of mine. He hugs me tightly and he whispers, "I almost thought you were gone"

I start coughing and I say, "How did you get here?"

"I saved you, right after you jumped. I dragged you here and gave you CPR-" Yoongi says.

"The second time you kissed me" I say as I chuckle.

Yoongi giggles and says, "And now.." he leans in and pecks my lips, "the third time"

My eyes widen. Did he just kiss me.. on purpose?

"Yoongi, what are we?" I say.

"Friends" Yoongi says.

"Friends.. but you kissed me?" I say.

"I'm sorry.." Yoongi says.

"It's okay.. it's just I'm in shock. Why would you kiss me.. do you like.. me?" I say.

Yoongi stays silent and says, "I think.. so"

I pat his back and smile.

"It's alright, you'll find someone new"I say.

"Are you rejecting me?" Yoongi says.

I nod my head and Yoongi says, "Let's get home, alright?"

Yoongi's P.O.V

I carry her/him as s/he falls asleep. Cute. I bring Y/N to her/his home I see a man, watching TV in the living room.

"Are you.. Y/N's brother? Perhaps?" I say.

"Yes.. and oh my god! Y/N! Are you okay?" Namjoon says as he quickly cups her/his cheeks.

Y/N mumbles something and Namjoon says, "DID YOU DO THIS!"

"No no no, we just, had too much fun and went overboard.." I say.

"Like what..?" Namjoon says as he arches his eyebrow.

"Nothing, nothing. Y/N must be tired" I say, going up the stairs.

"Wait.. are you staying over?" Namjoon says.

"Yeah.. I hope you don't mind" I say.

"I don't mind.. but like.. are you sleeping with her/him?" Namjoon says as I nod my head.

"We've done it plenty of times, don't worry" I say.

"Did you.. guys.. do it?" Namjoon says.

"No!" I say.

"Are you two.. dating?" Namjoon says as I shake my head.

"Do you love her/him?" Namjoon says.

"You ask too many questions" I say.

"Wait! You didn't answer my question" Namjoon says.

I turn off the lights and head into Y/N's bedroom and change her/his clothes, as I turn off the lights so I wouldn't see her/his bare body. I place her/him back on bed and get in with her/him as I snuggle next Y/N.


Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up in new clothes and Yoongi's arms around my waist. Did he change.. my clothes? I bury my hands in my face.. he wouldn't do that.. would he? Feeling uncomfortable because of the confession last night, I put his arms away from my body and get up. I head downstairs to make breakfast to see man making breakfast already.

"Um.. hello? Who are you?" I say, tapping his shoulder.

"Oh! You must be Y/N. I'm Namjoon's friend, Kim Seokjin" Seokjin says.

"You must be the friend Namjoon was talking about. Alrighty, Seokjin. What are you making?" I say.

"Call me Jin, and I'm making bacon and eggs" Seokjin says.

"Smells delicious!" I say.

"Aren't I lucky? I cook and I'm worldwide handsome" Seokjin says.

"Worldwide handsome?" I say as I giggle and Seokjin nods his head.

"Everyone must want me, but I only have my eyes set on one person" Seokjin says.

"Who?" I say.

Seokjin whispers in my ear, "Namjoon"

I gasp, "You're gay?"

"SHUT UP!" Seokjin says, putting his finger on my lips.

"I see you're already awake" Yoongi says.

"Oh hey, Yoongs.." I say.

"Is this your boyfrie–" Seokjin says.

"No! Stop!" I say, getting annoyed.

"Umm, Y/N" Yoongi says.

"Yeah" I say.

"Do you realize it's Monday?" Yoongi says.

"Yeah.. why?" I say.

"School" Yoongi says as my eyes widen.

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