The Krew.

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*Funnehs POV*

~2 mounth later~

I am soooo happy for Nai. She find her real love! His name is Castiel. She talkes sooo many about him before hi's moved out here. Now, they are dateing. They are sooooooooo cute together! Bur I'm a littlebit sad because Alec is don't ask me then I want to be his girlfriend. So yeah...

A-Good morning​.-he said and kissed my cheek.-Wake up.


A-C'moooon.-he said and grab me. I just hugged him with closed eyes.

F-Just 5minute mom!

A-Are you wake up If I kiss you?

F-More then 5 time? (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

A-Sure.-he said and started to kissing me.

Nai-Guys you need to wake u-I mean, NEWERMIIIIIND >:3

F,A-Oh, hey Nai 😅

Nai-Holllaaaaa? :'3

Alpaquita-What are you doing here Nai????? Oooooooooo... HEEEEEEEY^^

Nai-Gold said you guys are need to wake up. It's 10:27

F-Naaaah! It's tooo early for meee!-I said and lay down on my bed.

A-Can I just leave her?

Nai-Sure (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

F-Nuuuuuuuuu!-I grab his legs.

A-I don't leave you if you get changed and come downstairs.

F-Okkiiiiii.-I said and stend up. We get changed and go downstairs. I saw all of my friends. Gold, Kyran, Nai, her boyfriend, Alpaquita and Aly.

Gold-Hey. ^^


K-Want some breakfast?

F-What happend with them?-I whisperd for Alec.

A-I know but I can't tell you. >:'D

Alpaquita-Now go and eat! :3

We eat our breakfast and when we are done, somebody knocked on the door.

F-Yeah-OMMAGAWD!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!-I yelled and jumped on the krew.

G-Who's there?


Alpaquita-IIII DRACOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!-she said and jumped on my brother.

D-Aw hey Alpaquita.

R-Oh my gosh guys I'm so excited to see your friends!!!!

L-Yeah, me too! :3

F-Well, come. Alpaquita, please come here.




F-Sssssooo guys! You know about Gold. So his name is Kyran. Kyran! They are my Krew. Lunar, Rainbow and Draco. She is Nai and her boyfriend Castiel, Alpaquita, Aly, Alecs sis and Alec. ^^-I said. They are tapk talk alot about something what they don't want to tell me. :'v

*Alpaquitas POV*


Alpaquita-Aweeeee lets play Truth or Dare!!!!

Nai-But we pla-

Alpaquita-Shut! UP!!!!

Nai-Ok gurl! Ok! Chill.

F-Hey!!! This is my word!

Nai-Hehe, I knooow >:'3

L-Well we don't play T or D a long time ago.

R-YAH!! SHE'S RIGHT!!!!! WE WANNA PLAAAY!!! Right Draco?

Alpaquita-HHISSSSS!!!! He is mine!!!-I whisperd for her.

R-Hihi, sorryyyyy.-she said with a big smile.

Aly-Ssoooooooo. Who will be the first?

Alpaquita-ME ME ME MEEEE!!!! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!-I said and put my hands up.

G-Oki. Alpaquita is the first.

Alpaquita-YUSSSSHHH!!!!!!!!! Sooooooooo. Draco! Truth or Dare?

D-Truth! c':

Alpaquita-D-do y-you have a g-girlf-friend?

F-Or boifrieeeeend!

D-You know I love you sis. But no! This is not funny.


D-So nu, now I don't have a girlfriend. But I have a crush on someone. Who is a GIRL!

Alpaquita-Oh... Oki. Well... Your turn.-I said.

*Funnehs​ POV*

I saw a little sadnes on Alpaquita. I think she really loves my brother. We laught a lot when RAINBOW (!!!!) dare me for take off my T-shirt so they saw ny bra...

*Alecs POV*

HSKWKSJSKE SHE! IS! SOOOOO! HAWT!!!!!!! I am dead now baiiii!

So today is her birthday. And I have a question for her. And I am so worry about it. What if she said no?????

i hOpE yOu gUyS eNJoY fOr tHIs ChAPtEr. iF yOu LiKe iT PlEaSe vOTe aNd cOMmEnT ❤
Now I'm going to watch the new ep of YH! BAIIIII

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