This is so painful!



This hurts!
I stopped.

He must be in pain by now.
I'm also in pain but not for long.

I have a bottle that would heal all of my Injuries.


Come on Naruto bear with it!

"Is it still painful?"

"Yeah feels the same, but don't worry about me."
He nodded and left.
I'm so worried about him.
Poor baby he must be in so much pain.
How is this going to end?

"Where's Naruto!"

"Who the hell are you!?"
What's going on out there.
I got up and open the door.

"Kakashi! What's wrong?"
He looked worried.

"What happen to you!"
He said.

"Nothing. What are you doing here?"

"Have you seen Iruka!?"

"Iruka? No, thought he was with you?"

"No, I fear that something happen to him. All of his stuff is back home and—"

"Kakashi, calm down maybe he went for a walk or something. So go back and if he doesn't show up contact me."
He sigh.

"Yeah your right, I just overreacted"


How the hell!


So bored!
Kakashi isn't home yet.
I'll just go for walk to kill some time.

As I was walking I notice a bush of berries.

"Damn it, I should've brought a basket to take this back home."
I'll just continue walking.


Shit it's getting late I should go back.
Suddenly everything turned black.


When I woke up I was in a cave that had bars!

"Where the hell am I!?"

It was dark in the cave all I heard was a voice.

"Who are you!?"

"So you took care of Naruto.."

"Show yourself!"

Okay this is starting to get annoying.

"What do you want from me!?"

"Nothing, I'll just be taking you with me.."
It's a males voice but who?





"Kakashi, so did he show up?"


"I'm telling you something happen to him.."

"Alright, let's go look for him"
He nodded.


"Okay where do you think he is?"

"Well he does like taking walks in the woods.."


"Uhh yeah."
Are you kidding me! He could've had been kidnapped by Pain or something.

"Kakashi, the last time I went to the woods I got kidnapped"


"And I believe that maybe the same thing happen to Iruka.."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, for some reason those bad guys like hiding in the woods. I got kidnapped by Pain abut he let me go.."
Kakashi sigh.

"All we need to find is his hiding place and hopefully he'll be there."

"Do you have any ideas where it could be?"
Not really I don't even remember how it looked like.

"No...but we can't go just the two of us we will need some back up..just in case something happens."

We went back and I called Itachi but he didn't answer.

"Come on!"
I decided to call Marino.


"Hey, its Naruto. I need Itachi."

"O-oh..oka--ahh..! I'll tell him."
Please don't tell me.

"Tell him to come—"

"Hey, Naruto.."

"Why didn't you answer your phone!? Hurry up and come over here."

"Yeah.ah..I'm cumming..ngh..."

"Good—wait oh my gosh! Your such a freak!"
I hung up. I can't believe they were having sex!

"So is he coming?"
Kakashi asked.

"Yeah..his coming."


I'm A Warrior  BOOK2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن