Chapter 21: Let's Play!

Start from the beginning


That's good to hear

And I see 707 hasn't been online in a while

I wonder what happened

He usually logs in at least once a day to give us an update.

You looked at your phone with an eyebrow raised.



Updates on what?

Jumin took a while longer than usual to answer back.



It's nothing important really

You don't need to think too much about that


What could he be doing now?

You noticed Jumin trying to change the subject but decided not to pride on it.


I'm not sure...


Oh, Im sorry MC

I just received an Email

it's for an emergency meeting

I have to go


It's Okay

good luck!


Yes, thank you

have a good night.

~Jumin has left the chatroom~

Once you logged out, you went through your contacts list and started calling Saeyoung. It was ringing for a while but there was no answer. You tried calling again but it was the same result. 

Third times the charm

You thought as you called him one last time. It kept ringing but there was still no answer, you were about to hang up but then you heard a shuffling noise coming from the other end.

"Hello?" He answered in a somewhat tired voice.


"Yeah?" He answered plainly.

"Um, H-How are you?" You asked a bit nervously due to his change in attitude.

"I'm fine, why are you calling me?" He didn't sound angry, just tired or worn out.

"I called because I was....worried." You said honestly.

"Oh....Well like I said, I'm fine."

"No, you're not." You said straightforwardly.

"What? What are you talking about? I really am okay. Sorry but I have to hang up-"

"N-No!" You interrupted.

"What is it Y/n?" He asked.

"Come and see me." You said out of nowhere.

"H-Huh? We just saw each other today, what's this all of a sudden?" He asked clearly confused by your request.

"I just feel like, when you left, you were...angry? Or bothered by something. And I prepared dinner enough for two people." You lied about the last part. You waited for a moment and heard him sigh.

"Y/n, I can't just get up and leave because you want to..." He said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"But I have a good reason!" 

"And that would be...?"

"This is a...a.....Secret dinner for the mission!" You made up. Saeyoung chuckled tiredly on the other end.


"It's a very important mission~~~!"

"Alright alright. I'll be there in...30?" 

"Sure! I'll have everything ready here." You smiled to yourself.

"You really are something Y/n, you know that? See you later, bye." Soon he hung up the phone and you felt something move in your chest at the thought of him coming over, but then you notice one minor detail.



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