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Very few things are known about the species known as the Wraiths. Only appearing 200 or so years ago, it's hard to list all of their features and abilities.

The first Wraith was a man who was shot while defending a woman during a fight. He was shot twice in the chest. The man was believed to be dead and was left on the ground to die. After a few hours after he was pronounced dead, the man woke up while his grave was being dug.

Within a few hours, the man had killed the two men that he killed him by draining them of their life force (see below.)

It is unsure of how these humans become a Wraith and how they are the only supernatural creature, that is created.


Wraiths are known to be extremely violent. They become enraged extremely quickly and are difficult to bring them back.

How to identify a wraith:

Wraiths do not physically change from the moment they die. They are frozen in every aspect of their appearance, and they are unable to change how they look. The only real time you can identify them is if they are enraged. When this happens, their eyes turn black (their pupil expands) and they seem to glow slightly. They grow claws and fangs (these are both small).


There is not a documented case of a Wraith being under the age of 20. It is unknown about how they mature


Only a few Wraiths have come forward and shared what they can do with the world. A few are listed below:

Transportation-- not ever long distances (only a few have shown this ability)

Becoming transparent-- like a ghost, they can walk through someone and walls (this is stopped by lead) it seems to come in only the woman

Emotion sense-- they have been known to be able to "smell" a person's emotion in the air, each Wraith described the feelings as smelling different to them.

Soul sucking-- this is the primary ability all wraiths share. It is however how they survive. Like a nightwalker and their need for blood, a Wraith has to feed off another living being every few weeks or they starve slowly; regardless of how much they eat. When they begin to die, they become ravenous until they kill someone. The feeding is done by lip contact; the contact can be severed as to only feed a small amount.


Lead: anything with lead seems to stop the ability of a wraith; except the soul sucking.

no other weaknesses were identified.

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