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IIt is not entirely sure what god or goddess is the patron for demons. Many believe that they do not have one or were not accepted by a deity. It is not recorded of whom the first demon existed was.

The stereotypical demon is not the actual representation of a real life demon. All a demon is is a being with the ability to warp the natural elements to their will. Some do have certain "demonic" features. They are also able to use certain abilities depending on their eyes (See below.) Like the Nightwalkers, they have a monarchy system; each king or queen rules over a particular class of demon.


 A demon tends to lack compassion. They will not hesitate to murder another being. They are known for stalking their prey.

Identifying a demon: 

As stated above, they look ordinary except a few have slight differences. Each has one of four demonic eyes (See below for full example and explanation.) Their eyes are usually a hidden feature; many only have them around other Supernaturals. Many have tattoos that resemble their abilities. Fangs and claws also appear in moments of anger.


 A demon reaches full maturity at the age of 21. At this time, their bodies are virtually indestructible. See below for a list of weaknesses.


Volcanic rock: when in powder form, this is like acid to a demon. One-touch to the skin and the skin dies. If ingested, death occurs within minutes.

Holy water: surprisingly, this is a weakness; but the terms are different. The water is spelled, not prayed on. It also has a mixture of herbs only known to a select few (mainly mistletoe).

Eye Color:

Eye Color:

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Red rimmed black: These are the ones able to bend any being to their will. These are the demons that control air.

Yellow gold: These are the ones able to teleport to any place in the world. These are the demons that control earth

Foggy white: These are the ones who can see the past and future; they are rare. These demons control water.

Black: These are the ones that can create chaos; their anger spreads from person to person like wildfire. These are the demons that control fire.

Because of a demons short temper, very few are cast out. It is perfectly reasonable for them to murder someone or to walk away from their mates.

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