chapter four [welcome, douchebags.]

Start from the beginning

We then followed him to our lockers, numbers 213 and 215. Both top lockers, yesssssss.

"Alright my new friends, lets go to Mr. Arles' class!" Cameron said excitedly as he led us to our new history class.

The day passed quickly, and now it was time for lunch. Cameron found me quickly and dragged me to the lunchroom.

"My table is over there," he said, pointing to a crowded table. There were at least eight people there, mostly girls sitting on guys' laps. I simply nodded and followed him into the long line.

"Where's Dustin?" I asked, mostly to myself. Cameron shrugged and looked around for my twin. I quickly spotted his golden halo of hair next to Sara Harren, the girl Dustin was basically drooling over from the welcome committee. I stifled a laugh and walked ahead in the line.

Cameron walked beside me, intertwining his hand with mine. I looked at him and smiled, getting a breathtaking grin in return.

"So what are your friends like?" I asked Cameron.

"They're cool, I guess. There isn't much to say about them, you'll like them, I promise." I just nodded and moved ahead in the line again.

"Hello dearie, you must be the new girl in the set of twins. I'm Mary, but everyone just calls me Momma Mary. Don't be a stranger, alright?" She grinned widely at me and I couldn't help but send her a grin back. She put a slice of pizza on my plate, which I was grateful for.

"Thank you Momma Mary!" I said as I got my drink and waited for Cameron. She winked at me and I laughed.

I followed behind Cameron as we went to his table. I wasn't very comfortable without Dusty, but he was making his own friends and I was happy for him. I made a mental note to get to know Sara better.

"Marni. Hey, Marni. Are you listening?" Cameron's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I nodded.

"What I was listening," I said quickly.

Cameron laughed at me and kissed my temple. Alrighty then bro, just uh. Okay.

"As I was saying, these are my friends. Emily and her boyfriend of the week Mark, Lizzy and her boyfriend Brock, Taylor, Sam and his girlfriend Leah, the IT couple being Cole and Lissie, and then we have Macey and Mason. And of course, me." He sat back down after pointing everyone out.

I sent a quick smile to everyone except Lissie and Cole. Lissie is the cliché Queen B, she also wears the cliché NOTHING. She needs to put on some clothes, oh my god. I swear I can see her pepperoni nipples from here. Pepperoni nipples. Heh heh. Nipples.

I laughed to myself and when I looked up, everyone was staring at me.

"I was.. Um.. I have to pee," I shot out of my chair and walked away quickly. I found Dustin and walked over to him, plopping down on his lap.

"Kill me," I whined to my twin.

"Oh so nice of you to join us, Marni Cassen Price." Dustin said sarcastically. I kissed his cheek and patted his head.

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated little brother,"

"You're fat, get of me." He groaned. I grinned and got up, proceeding to go and sit on Sara's lap.

"Hi how's it goin'?" I grinned at her. She laughed and put her arms around me.

"Mighty fine now that you're here, why don't we mosey on over to my bedroom?" She playfully smirked and I laughed.

"Oh my god where have you been all my life," I asked her, laughing.

"Don't encourage her!" Dustin yelled quietly. I shot him a pout and got off of Sara.

"Alright my darlings," I said, gesturing to the people at the table, "I must leaf, and go back to the table my pizza is at. And so help me God if they touched it.." I left my threat open to the imagination.

I begrudgingly walked back over to the popular table. I looked at my tray and realized my pizza was gone. I stared at it for a few more seconds, processing.

"Who ate it?" I questioned softly.

"What?" Brock asked.

"My pizza. Who ate my pizza?" I was louder now, my eyes murderous. Everyone pointed at Cole, who smirked at me.

"Cole Matthews,"

"Yes sweetheart?" He gave me a devious grin.

"I'm going to rip your scrotum clean off your body."

"Alright babe, just make sure you FIRMLY GRASP it."

"I'm going to FIRMLY GRASP your testicals and put them in a blender." I slowly walked toward him.

"Can I at least do you first?" He winked.

I slapped him.


Oh well, he was kind of harassing me.

"Are you serious?!" I heard Lissie shriek.



"Hey ma'am, could you quiet down, you're alerting the children." I said, annoyed by her voice.


Cole just laughed.

"Dude, Lizpee, shut up," I rubbed my temples, "you're annoying."

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

She fricking slapped me.


Ooooo draaaamaaaaaa!

Im so so sorry about my disappearance. I hope this sorta makes up for everything

Probably not

Im sorry

Dont hurt me

I love you?



Heart heart,


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