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I remember when it had started,
On that day I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I was back in my apartment in Atlanta,
When it just barely started I left my 2 girls with their father their because I had to go to work but the virus has spread when I was coming home from work. And when I got back, they were gone.

I woke up from my long nightmare of leaving my daughters as I saw them in the corner of the room.
" I'm so sorry ". I said to them but they just vanished.

A year ago I would see them 10 times a day but now it's usually 2 times a week.
I get up and check the house to see if any one had broken in but they hadn't.
I get my stuff and look around the back of the house to see on those 4 wheeler motorbike thing or what ever there called but it had no keys. But I think I know how to hot wire a car or a motorcycle. I started to hot wire it and it thankfully worked.
I was so glad and happy. This thing only had a little under half a tank but I found a long tube and a empty gas can.
I started to ride it down the road, I pasted by a few walkers and  unusable cars with not much fuel in them.

In the middle of the road I saw a small group of about 20 of them.
I jump off and turned the engine of as drop my bag and pull out my katana.
The first 5 see me, the come to me but they stopped as I sliced through chunks of there heads. For next one I decapitated it. I sliced through 3 heads at once but I didn't have enough strength and it only cut though a little bit of the walkers skull but it was still alive. I but after I sliced its head off.
A minute later I had demolished the horde but then I had a break down.

I started to cry because I just wanted to find some good people to stay with and the isolation is destroying me.

5 minutes later I continue to travel down the road until I see a few houses up in the distance.

There were 3 homes  so I quickly scavenged them. My main goal was to find some more food and water because I didn't have much left.

After scavenging them all this is what I found, duck tape, rope, a sewing needle with string I could use for stitches, 2 packs of 2 minute noodles, canned tuna, a bottle of water, a radio with out batteries, a few candles and a flare gun with 4 flares.

Just before I was about to leave I had something in the bushes. I looked over to see a to men crouching down behind the bush. I didn't know either to run or talk to them. Then that's when from behind my a bullet skimmed my shoulder.

I ducked down for cover slightly bleeding. I pulled out my revolver with only seven bullets. I was behind a car.
Several bullets were flying at me but had hit the car. I peaked through the broken windows to see 12 men all with guns shooting at me. I turned my safety of and aimed for one of the guys at the backs stomach and fire. He dropped his shotgun and fell to the ground bleeding out but that only made them angry shit.


Once again sorry for poor editing if there are spelling mistakes or anything.

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