|7| Nightblood

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2 days on the ground

Icarus volunteered to be on the first scouting mission.

He didn't want to discover possible threats; he just wanted to see the ground. And since he'd also been top of his class in Earth Skills, he was a prime choice for the task.

"We know there are survivors down here," Gavin had said when the team gathered up just outside the ship door. "Orders are to act first, ask questions later. We don't know if they're hostile, but we aren't taking any chances. Don't ignore your instincts; if you think something's dangerous, it probably is."

Our mindset of survival first, peace later seems dangerous, Icarus thought treasonously.

Either way he looked, he saw the logic behind the reasonings of both sides. His colony had survived this long by following the rules of the first captain – keep humanity alive and well, no matter the cost. If there was an element of danger, do all within your power to neutralize or remove it.

The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.

But things were different now, or at least they had the opportunity to be so. They didn't need to keep rations and population to a minimum; conservation was no longer necessary. They could take the risks they couldn't before . . . like reaching out to other survivors.

As his team left their budding campsite, the metal hull of their ship glinting dully in the brightening rays of morning sunlight, Icarus wished he could stop and take in everything one at a time. Like the quiet shadows of the forest or how the ground was firm and springy beneath his feet, so different from the inflexible metal flooring of the Gagarin. The sliding melodies of birds calling to each other in the treetops or the muted orchestra of various insects humming and buzzing about.

He wished he had the time to appreciate this home he was descended from, but they had a task to accomplish and a colony who was counting on him to do so.

6 years and 8 days after Praimfaya

Clarke heard them before she saw them.

She had left the rover a few minutes ago, Madi still fast asleep in the back, to relieve herself. She was heading back to radio Bellamy when a group of the strangers pushed out of the undergrowth just a few yards in front of her.

For one moment their gazes met, her silver-touched blue to their various hues. And then the closest man reached for the gun holstered at his side. He was fast, but Clarke was faster.

Stepping forward, she unslung her rifle from her shoulder in a quick, smooth motion and brought butt crashing into the man's wrist with a sharp crack. He yelled in both surprise and pain, dropping his now-unholstered gun reflexively as his fingers went numb. At the same time, Clarke continued in her forward motion, bringing her elbow up into his chin and bringing him to the ground with a sweep of her foot.

It seemed to happen in slow-motion, her actions mapped out like she was following an instruction sheet. But in reality, it was only a few seconds, ending with her crouched over the fallen man, her knee pinning his chest to the ground and her free hand pressing a knife to his throat.

"Step of o em wan op!" she warned. "Nau!"

~ ~ ~

The woman came out of seemingly nowhere, like the forest personified. Her silver-hued eyes flickered over them, her features passing through a blur of emotions.

From The Ashes | The 100 S5 [Bellarke]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang