"who were you talking to?" I whisper.

"to Talin"

"did she find out if Justin is okay?"

"seriously, you like dead here all you care is if your boyfriend is okay?"

"I am just asking"

He sighs, "no, she just called to see how you were"


"which is bad because you are really sick"

"okay I get but I will get better"





"hey Talin!"

"hey girl, oh you are hot"

"yeah Jason has been telling me that"

"have you eaten?"

"yeah the other half of the nutella sándwich" I chuckle.

"wow even though your sick you manage to be happy"

"you know me"

"I'll make you chicken soup kay?"

"no I am not hungry"

"That sucks because I am going to make it"



"well I have to go now"

"but it's only 4 something"

"yeah I have been here since 7 something"

"okay, I'll see you tomorrow"

"okay bye"

As I walk out I remeber I turned of my phone so I turn it back on.

"2 messages from Ariana"

"fudge I forgot to tell her"

Hey :/ I am really sick so i can't to go to school sorry x/ - Ari

Hey Justin are you okay? How come your not at school :(-Ari

"she sick!"

I quickly get in my car and start driving to her house.


"here is here soup" Talin says.

"she fell asleep again"



"what are you doing here?" Jason asks.

"what are you doing here?"

"doing your job" he smirked.

"don't e-"

"don't start fighting" Talin says interrupting me.


"can I see her?" I ask

"she's upstairs"


I quicky go upstairs to see her.



"hey" I say sitting next o her.

"are you okay?" She questions.

"I am fine how do you feel?"

"I feel tired but that's it"

"okay good" I smile.

"where were you Talin said you didn't go to school"

"ah I had to go and get my Anny"

"so yeah you told me"

"yeah, she really wants to meet you"

I didn't want to lie to her but I think it was better because she is sick.

"really? If I feel better can I go tomorrow?"


"yay thank you!"

"so was Jason with you the whole time?"

"yes, but don't me mad I p-"

"Ariana its okay"

"really?, I thought you be mad because you hate him"

"no he took care of you while I was gone"

"okay, you know I feel better now that your here"

I feel horrible for lieing to her and for not being here since the morning.



"that's good to know"

"I am really sleepy"

"then go to sleep" I chuckle.

"but I don't want to"

"you are weird"

"I know"

"okay let me see if Jason and Talin are planning to leave"


"hey, are you guys going to stay longer?" I say as I come downstairs.

"ah no we are leaving now" Talin kindly says.

"oh thank you for taking care of her"

"you are welcome"

"here take , this to Ariana" Jason says giving me a bowl of chicken cup.


I take the warm soup upstairs once they leave.

"they left"

"oh, okay"

"Jason said too give you soup"

"oh yeah here"


"here I'll feed you"

"but I'm not a baby"

"well you are now"


"here 1 spoon full"

" it's good"



"Ariana!, you came to school!" Talin says.

(a/n I know I skip a lot sorry!)

"yeah, I am feeling better"

"that's great to know"

"yeah thanks for you know helping me yesterday"

"no problem bestie"

"kay I'll see you later"

"hey!" Amy says.

"hey Amy"

"Justin is the most sweetest guy I ever meet"

"why do you say that?"

"oh he spent the whole day with me that's why he didn't go to school yesterday"

"he did?"

"oh he didn't tell you did he? "

"he said he went to get hos nanny"

"shouldn't have said that fair well then" she adds on then leaves.

"Justin lied to me again"

Mr.Playboy used me (Jariana Love story) Editing in process !Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя