Step 33: Accidental Boners?

Comenzar desde el principio

"Like a, 'seriously you're-going-to-collage-where-Dylan-wants-to-go' seriously."

"Dylan wants to go to collage in Oregon." "You're the one that told me!" She bantered.


Awkward. She was meaning the snapchats Dylan and I were having about his book report.

"He looked mad."

Mad... or jealous?

Then again, did it matter?

Let me tell you something, when the baseball and softball kids are gone, you know it's going to be a good day. We all regrouped. Hondo with Jake. Jayla with Alina. Austin with Aiden. And Heather, Allie, and I.
I took Kevin's original seat.

When I saw the guy coming through the door he didn't even glare at the fact I'm in his seat. He just sat by Aiden and Austin. (Yes pervert Austin)
I apologized but he didn't really care.

In next hour science, he did want to tease me a bit. He was smiling his original -non-braced- smile, brown eyes that lightened up when he looked at me. Kevin would be that guy that if he was depressed, he would smile through it.

Well that's food for thought...

But anyways, he was blocking my way. I laughed. A few shifted, reflecting moves of him in my way then he laughed, said he was kidding, and moved on.

You know, I think Kevin has a way of making girls feel special because he does this to a lot of girls. I'm just another one to fall for his traps.

Ugh I hate that. He's being nice and we're not fighting and I still let my thoughts get the best of me. Just enjoy it Selena.

When Alle and I were talking about Youtubers, I had finally had my finger on what was different about Kevin.

"Your face!" I told him. He scrunched his eyes up I'm confusion.
"That's what's different!" I concluded.
He touched his face and yet again questioned me. "No, no like, you're glasses. You look different without them."

"Oh yeah I didn't wear them. I look nerdy with glasses."
I raised an eyebrow.

"No not that you look nerdy I do. Some people, it looks good on them. Like they make me look like a nerd and you look-" he hesitated. "I just look bad."

I frowned. I really was hoping he'd tell me how I looked with glasses. I probably looked nerdy. But then again I looked weird without them...

I was so used to having my feet elevated for an hour in science thanks to another chair, I had to have it again. So I got up from my seat caticorner to Kevin and pulled the empty chair in front of my desk, back so I could prop my feet up. I backed up & spun, and my luck I was backing up the wrong tree literally. I literally just grinded my butt on Kevin from backing up on total accident.
Once I felt a presence behind me, literally, I started freaking out.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!"

I looked into a pair of brown eyes. His hand was on my forearm and my hand on his.
Did I mention both of our bodies were wedged in about a foot of space between desks?

"I- God I'm so sorry." I kept saying. I didn't even care at this point that this was happening in front of the whole class. Kevin didn't even try to push past me either, he just held my arm until I composed myself.

"You're fine."
I knew that line all too well. He was always the one to end up saying it to me.

"Sorry." I apologized again.

I held onto his arm and he held onto me until I sat down. I released his arm and about 5 seconds after me (yes after) he let me go.

I sat down and ran a hand through my hair. God that was awkward. I would feel so bad if I gave Kevin- lets say a little excitement downstairs if you feel me.

That would have been terrible. I can just imagine:

"Miss uh, can I go to the bathroom?" "Why Kevin?" "Uh, ha well you see-"

"You may begin." My teacher interrupted my daydream to start a test. Oh right. Test. Not accidental boners. Imagine if Dylan was here?! Thank god he wasn't.
Wow I just had that happen with Kevin and I'm thinking about Dylan? Shut up Selena and do your test.

So in fifth hour we were super bored.

Heather and I started redecorating the glass door. Guess who was right down the hall? You guessed it, Kevin.

"Is Kevin looking at me?" Jo laughed. Bitch he's looking at me. "I'm going to wave and see- oh" she giggled when we waved creepily, aka twirling his fingers.

When I was walking to my next class on the way downstairs, Kevin was right behind me.

"What were you guys laughing at me back there or what?" He smiled.

I looked up at him. "Yeah you with your wave and all was pretty funny."

We walked down the stairs together. "Yeah I was just like just wave and you all started laughing." He chuckled.

We reachd the end of the stairs. And yet we still continued to walk down to class together.

"Kevin!" "Pablo!" He walked backwards, smiling at the Italian guy then turned around and caught up with me.

Once we reached the turn to the art room he looked at me.

"What?" "Isn't that your class?" "No." "You don't have art this hour?" "No." "Oh." He laughed.

He dissapeared from my right and went to my left.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Like you kept going that way so I went this way because I thought you were going that way but you're not so." His eyes crinkled when he laughed. That was a perfect flaw about him.

"Alright." I laughed.

"Well like I didn't mean," I stopped at my class's door. He stopped and looked at the sign, 'Mr. Smith's mock trial team' "Like I don't know why I thought you had art." He laughed.

I laughed. "It's okay." "Okay." He smiled before I smiled back and walked into class totally swooned.

"Just walked down the hall with Kevin. Totally dying to know how cute we looked and if we looked like a couple." I sighed to Sarah.

It felt so natural. Is that weird?

Yup Selena that's weird.


What do you guys think of the hallway walking? And my butt on Kevin during that test oh god I thought I was going to die of embarassment!

Sorry updates have been so much more distant! I'm running out of things to write about :( Kevin and Dylan aren't always entertaining.



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