Chapter 1

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(Your P.O.V)
Finding a job, isn't very easy here in England. Especially since the war. Now, the war has ended, but things are still not as it was before.

Right now I am walking around England, looking for any places that are in need of a worker. But, I see not a single sign saying: "HELP WANTED" 

While walking, I accidently bump into a very tall man. I almost fall, shutting my (e/c) eyes, waiting to hit the cold ground. But instead, I feel a tight grip around my waist.

I open my eyes, and look up. I meet a pair of redish eyes. "I- I apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going." I say, finally getting out of the mans grip. He was actually really tall compared to a girl like me. Maybe around 6'1.

He had raven black hair and his skin color was pretty pale. And had I mentioned those eyes? To me they seemed unnatural. "Oh it is quite alright Madame. If I wasn't here you would've took a quite nasty fall." He says.

His voice is so elegant and deep, if that's how you would put it. "Well, thank you very much!" I answer. Suddenly, a young boy appears behind him. "Sebastian! What is taking you so long?" He asks. 'Ah. Now I remember. That's Ciel Phantomhive, of the Phantomhive Manor.'

He makes toys for the Funtom company. He has a blackish blue hair, and blue eyes. He is maybe around 5' something, if I'm correct. "I am very sorry my Lord. I was only helping this young lady." The man named Sebastian tells him.

"Oh, well then. It's time to go. We'll be late for Elizabeth's arrival if we don't get there on time." "Yes, Master." Sebastian excuses himself, then leaves with Ciel.

'I swear, there is something not right with Sebastian. He seemed.. How do I put it? Different.' I say in my mind. I just sigh, then continue on my way.

( Sebastian's P.O.V)
I had excused myself from the young lady, then left with Master. She was quite beautiful if I may say. Her (h/c) hair was very elegant when it moved around in the wind. Her (e/c) eyes, just magnificent. But I did sense she was very different from other people.

And I feel she sensed me too. I then think. Maybe she could be a New maid for the Manor. "My Lord, don't you think we may be in need of a New maid?" I ask. He sighs, "I suppose so. Are you thinking of the young lady from earlier?" He asks smirking.

"Actually, yes. She seems different, and we could use someone like her. I feel as if she already knows what I am. If we don't have her, she may say something. Don't you think?"

Ciel thinks about it, then nods his head. "Alright, we'll find her again tomorrow. For now, let's just worry about Elizabeth." He says. He isn't very happy when Lady Elizabeth comes around. Well, he isn't happy much anyway.

"Yes, My Lord." I answer.

(Your P.O.V)
You know, I don't really have a home. My parents left me when I was only six. I was on my own. You would think I'd be wearing rags for clothing, but not really. I was taken in by The Undertaker. Yes, him.

He gave me a black laced dress when I turned 16. It was very sweet of him. Right now I'm on my way to his shop. It was already dark, and you think I'd be scared, but not really.

I have a pocket knife in my ankle holder. I had taught myself self  defense when I was abandoned. I had to, it isn't safe here. Finally, I arrived. I knocked, and opened the door. "Undertaker! I'm here." I say, looking around.

He chuckles, then comes out of the darkness. "Ah. My sweet (y/n), you're finally here. Have you found any places to work?" He asks. "Nope. But I did meet Ciel Phantomhive and his butler Sebastian." I say sitting down on the counter.

"Oh, you've met My Lord. I have a feeling he may give you a chance as a maid. If not, why don't you work here with my beautiful caskets?" He asks me, hugging one of them. I sigh, "You know I don't like handling dead people Undertaker." I say rolling my eyes.

He chuckles, "Alright then. But, whenever you feel the need to work here, just ask me." He says. "Yeah, that'll never happen." He yawns then says his goodnights, and leaves. I walk to my room and change. I lay down, and slowly fall asleep.

(Time Skip to morning)

(Your P.O.V)
I wake up the next morning, and leave Undertaker a note, saying I'm going to get some breakfast. I found a bakery, grabbed some bread, then went back. I knocked on the door, and walked in. "Undertaker, I'm back with break-." I stop, seeing the two men from yesterday.

"Um.. Hello again!" I smiled and curtsied. "Hello Madame. It's nice to see you again as well." Sebastian says, bowing. Ciel looks to The Undertaker with a serious look on his face. "May i ask, who this is Undertaker?"

The Undertaker chuckles. "That's my daughter (y/n). Well, you could say "step" daughter." I smile and nod my head. "He took me in once I was abandoned. It was quite sweet of him. So, I count him as my father. When he saved me, I was only six." I say, putting our bag of bread down.

I then sit on the counter next to Undertaker and ate a piece of bread. "Well, now that we've found you again.. Undertaker, I would love to know if I could have her as a maid in the mansion?" Ciel asks.

Undertaker looks to me. "Told you." He says, chuckling. "Well, she's free to work there. But, take care of her for me." He says, patting my back. "Hey! I didn't even get to make a decision!" I yell, pouting. Ciel sighs, "Then, Miss. (L/n). What do you say?" He asks in a bored tone. "Haha. Sure." I say.

I walk away and start to pack my stuff. I have finally gotten a job, better then dealing with dead people. No offense to Undertaker. I walk out the room and hug Undertaker tightly. "I'll see you around." I say. He chuckles. "Why yes, we will." I say my last goodbye, then leave.

We get on the carriage, and drive off. I sigh, then look out the window. "So, Miss. (L/n). I will be telling you the rules of being a maid. Alright?" He asks, making sure I'm listening.

"Alright." I answer. He shakes his head, frowning. "You say, "Yes Master. I will let that off with a warning." He says. Sebastian chuckles lightly, and I glare at him.

"Rule 1: Always listen to your Master. Rule 2: Make sure when cleaning, to make no spot unseen. Rule 3: You will also have to listen to Sebastian. He will help you with making tea, and helping around the Manor. And, that is all. Remember what I have told you (y/n)." (I had no idea what to set for rules. So, I put this.) He says, looking back out the window.

"Yes, Master." I say, then look to Sebastian. He just smirks then winks at me. I blush then look away.

This will be a very long day.

Thank you so much for reading!❤ I already have the next chapter ready for you all! I'm just editing it. And, if I run out of ideas for the 3rd chapter, I would be glad to take any ideas! Again, thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, and want more stories, follow me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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