Chapter 1

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Over time, the world changes. There is an expiration date for everything: food, water bottles, vehicles, and even lives. It is a wonder whether or not this date is predestined or simply as is. Can you change this date? Or are your actions also predestined? It's a mystery in which the world revolves and in which we desire to discover an illusion.

For people, our lives represent everything. We can fulfill our largest potential or crumble under the weight of the world. We are like little lizards sitting inside a translucent egg. We can see and can roll the egg, but wish not to break our outer covering. It hides us, shields us, protects us, and comforts us.

However, there are those of us who have no choice but to live a shell-less life. For myself, it is going against the conformation of how society wants to perceive me. And it all began with a kind heart.

Some people may say "Oh look, it's that emo face, Rogue." or "Cheney is glaring again. I doubt he'll ever smile for anyone." I suppose that these people are right. I'm socially awkward and possess a lack of taste for meaningless words. The conflict I face is simple.

I am not human.

My mother had married a vampire and as a result, I lost my life as a normal person. The urge to feed disgusts me, yet what can I do? I have no desire to die aimlessly. Such is the fate of most vampires except those who can choose a lover. In that instance, vampire mates can feed on each other, however will lose their immortality. As much as I want to live and die as a human, the truth cannot be revealed. Vampires are loathed in this world, and I doubt love will ever find me in this life.

The rain was starting to fall onto the earth, and while others around me swiftly ran to cover or pulled out umbrellas. I just continued through the pouring rain with my eyes glaring into the pavement. All of a sudden, a shadow overpowered my own, and the rain mysterious halted. I looked up to meet bright blue orbs staring at me with a small grin.

"You know, as down as you look, I'm sure a little bit of cover from the rain won't hurt you," the man said. I was surprised to say the least. This stranger was the first to speak to me albeit the snobbish coworkers spreading insults. "Name's Sting Eucliffe," he continued. "I live another block down from here if you wanna wait out the storm. It's supposed to be a long one." As much as I desired to decline, something inside me wanted the company of his man.

Only God knows why I said it. Yet, his presence was compelling me with an unknown force.

I shrugged and muttered a "Sure," in response.

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