Chapter 7: Past Files

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"What! Where?!" Ice exclaims, his hand still around Angel's afraid of letting go.

The little girl struggles to keep up, tripping over scattered things on the floor. She looks up at Ice. "I-I saw som-something in the paper," she mutters in between pants.

"Where?" He demands, sweat caking his forehead and bare arms as he tried to navigate his way through the maze of scientists and cages full of humans.

Everything has changed, they rearranged everything. This place used to be full of emptiness, only a few were here, sorting papers. Ice thought, growling. "Angel, the paper was wrong, whatever it said in there is wrong. They changed the whole building after they caught me. It's all wrong," he mutters.

"No, I know where it is," she persisted, glaring at him, now being the one to grab his wrist and drag him.

Surprised by her sudden act, Ice follows. Angel brings him to a dark hallway, the lights were dim, it wa empty and only one door stood before them. One very different door from the rest of the others in the Compound.

"There," she says, her tone commanding as she pointed at the door. "That's where we have to go."

He looks at Angel, his eyes showing doubt. "A-are you sure?" He asks, hoping that she would clarify that she was pretty sure.

She doesn't answer him, already dashing towards the door, her shoe-less feet slamming hard on the cold metal floor. Her small hands grab the door knob, twisting it hard and  pushing the door open with all her force. Ice was shocked that she acted like this, he didn't expect that such a little girl would have such a fiery personality like White.

He follows her from behind, wakling slowly towards the entrance. Ice notices that White was no where to be found. Scratching his hair furiously, he growls.

"She's not here," he mutters.

"Yea, I know," Angel snaps. "First we have to go get something. I know what White wants." She says urgently, slamming the door behind them and opening the lights. She runs over to a metal drawer. Somthing similar to where they put all your files in school.

She opens one drawer which was labled: Numbers 50-100. Digging through all the files, she brings out an old yellowed one with the words: Number 72, Samantha Fliers, born April 26. She beams proudly and throws the file at Ice. Quickly catching it, he notices why the young girl brough him here. His eyes grow wide.

"But, how did you know?" He asks.

"I'll explain later," she briskly answers, already pulling out yet another file. This one reading: Number 9, Alexander Wright, born July 1. She smiles yet again, throwing the file at Ice, now searching for hers.

Ice examines both his and White's folders, his eyes wide open. "M-my name was Alexander, I know when my brithday is . . . I have a last name," he stutters with utter disbelief.

Angel brings out her folder, smiling from ear to ear as she looked at it. Number 182, Angela Sawyer, born December 23.

She turns around to look at Ice who didn't even open his file yet. "Let's go look for White shall we, or should we call her Samantha now?" She asks.

"No, I think she'd like White more," he grabs her hand. "Now lets go, and on the way can you explain how you knew this place," she nods, clinging to his rough hand as they sped out of the room. Leaving the drawer open and exposed.

"So explain," Ice orders, his brown hair covering part of his eyesight.

"Well, they ran tests on me before you actually met me you see. After that I could sense things. Like where they are no matter how far. Like if you asked me where White was I'd tell you. She's in the new wing of the building, stuck in a tank full of liquid which I don't know about." She blurts out.

Ice stares at her, bewilderment evident. This must be why I could bend those bars, their tests are making us into . . . these mutants. We're no longer human. He thought. White! She's stuck in a tank, full of who knows what. Ice remembers, his teeth gritted.

"Show me the way," he tells Angel and she nods, pulling him straight, towards the room where White lay, where she slept helplessly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"White! White! White! Wake up!"

"We have news!"

"White wake up!"

The words rang in her mind, making it hurt. She growls, opening her eyes slowly. There was a murky figure above her. She couldn't tell who or what it or they were, the liquid made it so hard to see clearly.

"Wh-who's there," her voice only a sliver of whisper left. She bet that they couldn't hear her, so, pushing all her strength on her arm. She lifts it, until it reaches the air, above all the watery liquid. She could hear gasps from above and her hand was wrapped tight with fingers, all trying to pull her up.

She could feel herself surfacing, she could feel the cold air hitting her wet body. Shivering, she rubs her eyes, still slightly blurry, she smiles as she notices that Angel and Ice stood in front of her shivering body. She sits on the cold metal floor, her feet still too weak to carry her.

"Wh-what are you t-two doing here?" She asks, looking at them with tired eyes.

"We were worried about you, so we broke out and looked for you. And we even found these." Angel says, handing her her folder.

She takes it gently, her eyes slowly getting bigger as she notices it was about her. Flipping it open, she greedily took in all the information, reading and rereading everything that was written on the pieces of paper. 

She gasps. "M-my parents," she starts, her teeth still clattering from all the shivering. Her hand goes to her hair, braiding and unbraiding the wet hair. "Mom was a teacher, dad wa-was a business man. I had, I mean, have a little brother." She continues. "An-and he's here in the Compound, registered as Num-number 149." She shivers one more time, still shocked with all the info. "And, I was stolen from them, since birth," she mutters, tears forming on her eyes. Then eventually falling on her already wet clothes. "Same way with my brother, his name wa-was Adam." She says her brother's name with so much love.

Her eyes skim the pieces of paper on her lap, resting on three different picutures hidden by a few pieces of paper. She takes them and stares. One was of a woman around her thirties with beautiful brown hair like hers, fair skin, stress marks already shown, her eyes glittering green. The other was of a man with tan skin, light blond hair and grey eyes. He was smiling, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. The last one was of her brother. White guessed that it was him while he is in the Compound. Adam was handsome, he had bright green eyes like White's mother and shaggy, darker, blond hair, the only thing that ruined his image was his scowl.

Ice sits next to White, wrapping an arm around her, also looking at the pictures. "Well he definitely looks like your sibling, has the same stubborn look in his eye," he comments.

White glares at him for a moment before looking up at Angel. "Did you find these?" She asks.

Angel nods. White smiles and opens her arms wide, the little girl coming closer to embrace her. "Th-thank you so much,"

"You're welcome," she whispers into White's ear.

"I-I have a family," White whispers with so much happiness.

Their happy mood was interuppted by the beeping of Ice and Angel's bracelets. All three look down at the boy and little girl's bracelets which emitted a red light and beeped over and over again, hurting their ears.

The door swings open, revealing eight guards, all armed with guns. "Freeze!''


Yay! Cliffhanger! Did ya like this chapter? Did you not? If so pls. comment on what you like an what you think I should improve at :) pls vote if you think I deserve it too! * hugs all readers * thanks for all the support!

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