Chapter 3: Dimitry

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Ice glances over to his friend, a smile on his lips. "Now cheer up White! It wasn't that bad. No body got hurt, no body died." He states proudly. It was their second day already, tomorrow was when they get shuffled again, when they won't meet for who knows how long.

Glaring at him, she frowns. "Seriously!" She exclaims. Her grey eyes dart back towards the sleeping guard, anytime now he could wake up, and the two friends knew that talking to other "experiments" isn't allowed. Number 9 looks over White's shoulder, staring at the little girl two cages after him.

"When did she come here?" He asks, remembering that he only noticed the little girl a while ago.

White shrugs, looking down at the ground, her right hand rubbing her left arm. White sighs, her brown bangs covering her eyes.

"I dunno Ice," she whispers softly, smoothing out her wrinkled up pants, she looks at him. "I thought there were only one hundread of us, she's Number 182, 182 Ice!" She exclaims, covering her mouth as she found out that she yelled again. Peeping through the cage's bars, she sighs in relief as the guard slept peacefully. Looking back at Number 9, she starts to talk once again: "They're getting more people, more children, and their all suffering."

Ice looks over at the little girl, all curled up on the stone cold floor, snoring and kicking. Sighing, he looks at his friend. "Yea, they are, and there's nothing we can do about it." He states a-matter-of-factly.

White stares at him in disbelief, the two of them shared their childhood together and White even feared he'd never come back as promised. He was far braver than her in many ways, when they were young he'd always escape the hands of the Compound without help, she only did because a guard took pity on her. She remembered all the times he escaped, wondering if he'd come back alive or dead. She shivered at the thought of her best friend dieing.

"We can do something," she mutters. "You've escaped this place three times Ice, you know how to get in and out." She states, smiling at him, her hands clutching the bars of the cage.

Rolling his eyes, Ice lays down on the floor, his legs standing straight up as they leaned on the cage's side. "Yea, but they'll always find a way to get you, always, remember."

"Yeah, I do," White whispers, shivering.

He looks up at the top most part of the cage, which was made out of steel and some other metal the two didn't know of.

"And that's why I'm not taking the risk of going back out. Specially with you White, no way." He murmurs to himself, fiddling with his fingers. "They did awful stuff whenever I escaped, once when I was four, you remember that right? I came back only a few months after, then when I was twelve, I lasted two years out in the real world. Then the latest was just a month ago." He sighs, scratching his forehead, now beaded with sweat. "My record here is so messed up, I even wonder why they keep me in here."

White listened carefully to her friend, looking down at him as she twirled her hair with her finger.

"Well it never hurts to try again?" She says, making it sound like a question.

Ice still looks up, closing his eyes he sighs. "You'd just see the same result over and over again if we tried it the same way." He says.

"Then we try a different way," she counters.

A low grumbling sound came from his throat. "I tried so many times, and only three out of the dozens I tried worked. And it didn't give me much freedom." He mutters.

The two sigh at the same time, slouching. "Well there goes all my ideas." White says, glaring at Ice, clearly mad that he countered her suggestions so easily.

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