Chapter 2: Why Me?

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Sirens blared and the white lights above White switched into bright red. The scientist with her, shoke her limp body hard, hoping to try to wake her up. White gives one last glance at the scientists before passing out.

The speaker roars: "72 is down, I repeat. 72 is down!"

A dozen scientist bursts through the door, all equiped with medical equipment. Nothing like this ever happened in the Compound. They were always prepared, this was going to test their preparations.

"But 72 is one of the best," one them hollers.

"Yeah, this is impossible!" The other answers, already trying to figure out if she still had a pulse.

"Shut up and do your work already!" The scientist that stayed with White snaps, clearly irritated.

All of them fall silent, going back to work, trying to revive Number 72. Half an hour passes, and less than half of the group of scientists were left, the others already left to "check on" the other experiments.

Eyes fluttering open, White was greeted by a bright red light and the hushed gossiping of the people around her. Looking around, she stares at them, digging her light grey eyes on the only person she knew. Mr.Andrews, one of the oldest workers in the Compound, and he was the one you had to fear. White remembered what power he feld, she remembered others, like Number 84 and Number 39, they never came back and she knew why. They were slaughtered, killed by this man for disobaying.

She closes her eyes, trying hard to push away the memory. One of them, White was unsure who, declared that she was fine. Everyone stands up, leaving her on the floor. One person stays though, Mr.Andrews. Standing on the corner with his back on the wall, he smirks at her.

Walking closer to the teen, he bends down so they could see eye to eye. White keeps her cool, staring him right in the eye, she felt like staring right in the eyes of death. His raven black hair shone in the light, making it look glossy.

"What're you playing?" He asks Number 72. "You think you can fool us, you think you can make us think that you could fool us like that," he snarls, his eyebrows furrowed.

"W-what do you mean?" She asks in disbelief. This person doesn't even care that, me, one of the most important experiments, almost died! He thought I went through all that trouble to fool him! I'd rather commit suicide than that! White thought, gritting her teeth and glaring at him.

His rough hand grabs her porcelein chin, his eyes still full of rage. "I know you're capable of much more than that 72, you could've easily stood against that," he points to the area where she was injected. "You stood up against far more stronger illnesses, injuries, and countless times you baffeled us. And yet you fell because of this simple one." He growls, punching her in the gut.

She doesn't show any emotion, the punch, to White, was a mere poke. This was what she was trained for, to not feel pain. These tests were given to her, to strengthen her, to make her better.

She smirks at him. "Well, I do know one thing, you're just a little coward Andrews!" She yells, her voice echoing through the room. "You don't even have enough guts to put the virus in yourself!" She points out, pointing at him, using her other hand to push herself up.

Already standing, she looks down at him, Mr.Andrews still crouched on the ground.

"How dare you!" He yells, standing up to face her, White was almost as tall as him, but he of course still had control.

Taking out his phone, opening it, he yells out his orders: "Take 72 back in!"

Two muscular men make their way inside the room, their steps echoing. "Time ta go," one of them says. The other one nodding his head. Grabbing her by the scruff of her shirt collar, they drag her away, away from that man, away from that room.

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