Chapter 21: A Little Persuasion

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Twyla Goodwin peered up through the cloud of smoke, her eyes narrowed into slits, hands balled into fists- all she could feel was rage. There was no accidents when it came to launching fireballs at someone's head and her Uncle was going to think twice before something like that happened again. Jumping onto her feet, she sunk into a low crouch, the tension in her body tightened like a spring. Just like a rubber band when it can no longer be stretched out, her magic snapped out of her control and attacked the man upstairs. A loud thud echoed through the room, and as the smoke cleared, Twyla could see the shoes of a man, lying on the floor.

"Xavier pick him and bring him downstairs. Hit him again if he wakes up, but not too hard, we need his working mind."

Mumbling, "Wicked," under his breath, Xavier's body turned into a blur as he whizzed up the stairs and brought their Uncle downstairs.

"Are you sure that's him?" Will came out from his hiding spot behind the coach, "He doesn't look anything like you guys."

Pinching his chin between her fingers, Twyla turned his head from side to side as she inspected every wrinkle and freckle on his face. "Oh it's him alright. He's my Aunt Nyx's twin, they were both skilled in illusions. They could make anything look like something it wasn't, including themselves. I guess when he wanted to cut ties us, he took the severe approach."

Luna shifted closer, to get a better look. Whereas before, Uncle Leo had short black hair slicked back and a rather symmetrical looking face with two sapphires for eyes, his new face was much more attractive. The black hair was faded to a dark brown, and a goatee stretched across his chiseled face- there was a slight tan to his skin which was something all Goodwin's lacked, and his build was more muscular than Luna had remembered as a child. There were still pieces of him Luna could see through the surface and she was sure if he were to open his eyes they would still be the same Sapphire color of her mother and her grandfather.

"Drag him into the living room, don't let go of his wrists," Twyla ordered Xavier.

"Sure thing boss lady," Xavier bit back a smile and walked the girls' unconscious uncle over to the couch. He did not lay him out on the sofa, instead remained standing, and waiting for Twyla's next order.

Will hung back by the door, not wanting to be completely immersed in the family drama and not wanting to leave Luna at the same time. By watching Twyla, he could tell she was moments away from snapping, her chest was heaving and knuckles whitening as she refrained from punching a hole in the wall. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud, Will was more afraid of her than he was of their crazy, flame-throwing uncle. At least, the crazy uncle gave them a chance to leave, which Will was all for, but Twyla was not going to spare this guy. He could see it in her cold, silver eyes, she wanted only two things- answers and blood. By some miracle, Luna was still holding her wits together. Well- that was a stretch- she was freaking out on the inside and reviewing each law that they had managed to break in the span of five minutes but on the outside her face remained stoic, and a little somber.

"Luna?" Twyla caught her sister off guard, "You know how in movies they wake someone up by slapping them, do you think that works in real life?"

"How am I supposed to know? I've never taken part of a kidnapping and interrogation."

After saying it out loud, Luna realized just how bad this whole thing was and even entertained the idea of telling Twyla to stop but that was until she saw Twyla stalk towards their uncle, like a jungle cat preparing to pounce on its prey. She didn't lunge herself at him, but she did reel her arm back and smack him with the back of her hand. The sickening crack of skin against skin grated against Luna's ears. She could see her sister's hand print forming on their uncle's cheek, as a groan filtered out of his mouth. He blinked once, then a second time and shook his head. Looking around his living room, he carefully avoided looking at Twyla until she appeared inches away from his face.

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