Survival of the Fittest

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He was late.  My eye twitched constantly in annoyance.  Four hours late.  He suddenly poofed in and Banana and Bubblegum screamed, "YOU'RE LATE!!!!!"

State the obvious why don't ya.  Scarecrow nerously laughed and gave some lame excuse about a black cat.  

"Ok.  Your task today is to get these three bells from me before this clock goes off.  It's set for noon.  If you don't get one before then, you will be sent back to the academy."

Bubblegum put her two cents in.  "But sensei.  There is only three bells and four of us."

Scarecrow nodded.  "At least one of you will be sent back to the academy."

Hmmmm.  I thought about this for a moment.  Aha!!!  Nice mind games, Scarecrow.  Making us fight against each other to test where our loyalties lie.  How clever.  The only chance a normal Genin of getting anything from a Jonin is to team up.  So teamwork is the reason for this test.

I heard Scarecrow shout "Start!" and lept away.  I bit my thumb and made some handsigns.

"Summoning Jutsu:  Wolves of Hell!"

I large cloud of smoke appeared and growls came from it.  The smoke cleared away to reveal my wolf pack.  Seven large wolves, each with a specific talent.



Kora-Female-Water Nature

Katsu-Male-Fire Nature

Kurochi-Female-Lightning Nature

Kazuo-Male-Earth Nature

Kaze-Female-Wind Nature

They all waited for my instructions.  

"Hide in the woods and wait for my signal.  We are on a retrival mission.  Do not kill.  We are to retrieve a bell from the white-haired Jonin.  Understand?"

They nodded and dispersed into the woods.  I went to go find my teammates.  I found Banana hanging from a tree.

"You know we should probably team up?"  I said after I cut him down.  He shook his head adamantly.

"No!  I have to do this by myself if I want to become Hokage."  With that he ran away.  I sighed and continued on.  I found Duckbutt buried in the ground.  I punched the ground, making it crack open, and pulled him out.

"We would do better if we teamed up."

He too refused and walked away.  I went on to my last and most useless teammate, Bubblegum.  She was passed out on the ground from a Genjutsu.


She woke up screaming about Sasuke being hurt.

"Relax.  He's fine.  You were under a Genjutsu.  If you want, we could team up?"

She squealed.  "Thats a great idea!!!  I'm going to team up with Sasuke!!!!"  And then she ran away.  Looks like I'm gonna have to do this myself.  Oh well.

I eventuallt found Scarecrow.  He was reading a book.  Wait!  Is that..... Icha Icha Paradise!!!!  I'm definitely stealing that when I get a bell.  He put it in his pouch and pulled out a kunai.

"I have a feeling I won't be able to read with you."

I smirked slightly.  This was gonna be fun.  I sank into a crouch and watched as my wolves silently moved into position.  Perfect.  My hands moved swiftly through handsigns.

"Chakra Style:Chakra Chains!"

Chains of purple chakra shot out from my body and wrapped around Scarecrows.  They pulsed in time with his heartbeat.  Each pulse brought chakra from him to me.  There was no escape from this jutsu unless I released it.  


Kai jumped from the trees and snached the bells while Kurai cast a slight Genjutsu to make Scarecrow not realize she stole his book.  They delivered both items to me and I quickly hid the book before Kurai released the Genjutsu.

I released my chakra chains and my summonings just as the alarm rang.

I went and sat down beside a pole and Scarecrow appeared in front of us, panting.  I might have taken more chakra than I realized.  Oh well, he's still alive.

"There's no need for you to go back to the academy."  My team got very hopeful.  Ha!  They thought they passed.

"No, you all should drop from the program completely.  Excluding Bara, who actually got the point of this test and still got a bell."

My team looked at me shocked.  I raised my eyebrow at them.  "What?  If you would have teamed up with me, you would have gotten one too."

Scarecrow continued, "Well, since I'm generous, I'm going to give you guys another chance.  You can try again after lunch.  Eat but don't give Naruto any.  That's his punishment for trying to eat early."

And he poofed away.  My team began to eat as I stood up and shoved food into Banana's mouth.  Funny enough, I fed him a banana.  Bubblegum complained but Duckbutt followed my example.  Soon, Bubblegum did the same.

Storm clouds gathered in the sky.  Scarecrow poofed in yelling, "YOU.....YOU DISOBEYED ME!!!!!!"

Bubblegum stumbled over her words saying we were a team and we were one.  Duckbutt agreed, I just shrugged.

"YOU ALL...............PASS!!!!!"

My team freaked out but I kind of expected this.  Anyways, we start missions tomorrow.  Hopefully he won't be late for that.

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