“Were you feeling ok this morning and last night?”


          She paused for a series of moments, she wrote a few things down then looked up at me and took a breath.

          “Casey, is there any way you could be pregnant?”

          “What!? No! I mean I don’t think so.”

          “Have you had sex recently?”

          “Before school started, but we were safe, I just got on a new pill about a month before, that was September 4th.” 

          “That was a bit over 5 weeks ago dear.” She handed me her mini calendar.

          I looked at it and my eyes opened so wide…I was late, my period was late. I looked up and shot her a look.

          “I’m late.”

          “Dear, I have a pregnancy test, I think you need to take it.” She opened the box and handed it to me.

          I was so frightened to the point where I didn’t even want to take it. She was pushing me now, this was all too fast. What if I was pregnant? What would Meredith do to me? What would I do with me? What about Nick? All this was running through my head. I walked to the bathroom in her office and took it. I stood up and walked out to the sink and mirror. I closed my eyes for a moment and prepared myself to look down, finally I toughed up and opened my eyes and looked down. My heart dropped when the tiny red + sign appear on the screen. My life was over.

          I turned the corner from the bathroom to her office and leaned against the wall, my eyes got watery.

          She got up and hugged me, “Casey, everything will be ok, I promise. Do you want to talk about it?”

          “How and I supposed to raise a freaking kid. My mother will literally kill me, I am broke, and how am I supposed to break it to Nick?”

          It was a crazy dream, I don’t think it could have been real. I had to have been dreaming. Well I knew I couldn’t tell Meredith, I won’t I would get kicked out. I certainly wasn’t ready to tell Nick. I felt like there was only one person in this world I could tell, Ms. Tyler. She was my seventh grade English teacher, we had this amazing best friend connection. I had always helped her and she always looked after me. We were like best friends. After seventh grade she gave me her cell phone number in case I ever needed her. However, I wasn’t ready to break the news yet, even to her or Erica. I wanted to get a plan together.

          “Casey, are you ok?

          I nodded.

          “You know you have options.”


          “Termination, or adoption.”

          “I will not terminate this, it would haunt me forever. Maybe adoption but I would have to tell Ni-the dad first, then decide.”

          “Do you want to go home?”

          I nodded again and I figured Meredith was working so I didn’t have to worry about her being there. She had brought me home because I didn’t have a ride. When I walked in the house was yet again, a disaster. I didn’t care this time. I walked over to the couch and laid on it, within minutes I was asleep. When I finally woke up it was 11pm. I sat up really fast and my stomach dropped. Then after a few minutes with my head in the toilet, I walked out back into the living room. I noticed Meredith’s door was wide open. I walked over to her room and I flicked her light on. Absolutely everything was gone. There was however one piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and it read:

Not That Kind of ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora