8- what type of fan fictions do you like to read? (Ex: fluff, angst etc)

Me- yeah we already discussed this so I'm just gonna clarify it for the world...i don't understand what like anything means and I don't exactly understand/read CERTAIN types of fanfics...so yeah

9- how do you feel when no body reads what you spent weeks (even more) to write and not even leaves a comment with a few words?

Me-that's probably gonna happen with this story but i don't really care cause I'm mostly writing this for fun!!! But if I was trying I'd probably be crushed! I'd feel like a bad author and I'd probably give up on the future dreams I don't have (you see what I did there? Nope? okay)

10- are you an A.R.M.Y? If so when did you join the fandom?

Me- duhhhh who isn't!?! And btw guy...Jungkook is minezzzz!!! Okay now that that's over...Idk I like just joined after all my friends were in and they kept talking about it and I'm here pretending like I actually get what they're talking about...ha ha ha yup

11- how did BTS and the kpop world in general change your life?

Me- it just gave me another reason to wish I was an Asian boy!!!!! *cries dramatically* yeah it's my guilty secret!!!! Okay? Get over it!!!!

12- again, on a scale from 0 to 10, how honest were you in answering at the first five questions?

Me- 100% honest!!! I would never lie to you or anyone reading this!!! Duh!!! What kind of friend would that make me!?! I'm hurt you'd even ask that! Just kidding!!!!!

13- good, you're done. Do you think you just lost your time by doing this?

Me- are kidding me? I always waste my time taking lame quizzes and staring at people. The least I could do is answer a fun quiz for my friend!


Okay now for the "fun" part *sarcastic eye roll*

(You guys are probably gonna hate me for this but y'all are like my only friends!!!)

Shywarrior  (tag back *smirks*)
vampwolf102306 (sorry)
Jefferygirl07 (for)
MerleBlackBird (putting)
i_am_who_i_am_3 (you)
xbrowneyedbrunettex (into)
breakfestbomb (this)
bluesparkle13 (tag)
V_is_my_bro (challenge)
0Layla0 (thingy!!!)
zaynie_gal (really,)
ImFrensWithAWaffle (I)
CallmeMayo (am!!)

MY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!! *smirks*
(By the way I suck at this part so feel free to ignore me) *overdramatic sigh*

[1] You just found out your best friend is gonna die and you can say one last thing to them. what would it be?
[2] would you risk your life for your dearest/best friend?
[3] What would you do if someone started commenting rude stuff on your stories?
[4] Are you rethinking your life choices right now while taking this quiz?
[5] If you had to choose between Friends or Family, which would you pick?
[6] If your friend acted really annoying and weird, would you tell them or would you ignore it?
[7] Have you ever considered moving to my Unicorn Kingdom, far away from the rest of the cruel world?
[8] Did you like Dora The Explorer? Be honest!!!! (this question is random but I'm just curious)
[9] Have you ever gone somewhere without shoes on? (Again a random question)
[10] On a scale from 1 to 100 how important are your Wattpad friends to you?
[11] Are you mad that I tagged you in this challenge?
[12] If your friend had a bad day would you comfort them or ignore them so you stay happy?
[13] Now that you're done do you regret even reading/taking this whole thing?


(It's about freaking time!!!)

<<<Okay so those of you who are still reading...thanks for reading this long!!!! This is my first "story" so thanks for bearing with me!!! I'll try to actually post STORIES but this is all I got so far...so yeah>>>

(((((And those of you who are tagged...you don't HAVE to do it but I'd appreciate if you did and I encourage you to at least just try!!!!!!!)))))

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