Black swore, if it weren't the fact that he was a Champion and this thing had already happened five times before when they gathered, he would've dropped dead and rot. The brunet clenched his teeth, this was one of the worse case any of them had ever dealt. According to the Johto Legendary pokemon, the first time Gold did this was the worst case in Johto history.

After a huge amount of energy release, the golden eyed raven fainted to the cold wooden floor of Red's room. Black rushed to help the now unconscious boy while Red sat up, trying to get his mind straight.

"How much?" Red asked to the others, dealing with his migraine.

Ruby was the one who responded. Taking out a watch, he blinked at the time. "Forward, it's six in the morning already. Meaning we just went about sixteen hours ahead of time."

"Correction, forty hours, it is already the day after tomorrow," Diamond corrected. The blue eyed teen tried to adjust his footing. "Made sense why Gold fainted then. Going fourty hours forward in time is beyond his limits."

Red was, like always, silent. The raven kicked his legs to the side of the bed and told them he would carry Gold back to his room. If hearing the fact Silver became the League Champion shocked him this much, he wondered what happened when Gold noticed how Silver had moved on happily with his life. He must've held it all in that it actually built up a lot of pressure.

Red sighed. Gold's string was coiling more and more around his neck each and every time he thought anything related to Silver. Any further more, it would kill him. For Black, he was already dying as they breathe. Ruby? To think about Wally felt like he could split his brain open. And for Lucas, his hand had bleeding more lately. Haha... the world was so cruel.

But each and every one of them knew that it was partially their fault for falling in love.

And it was their rival's fault to land them in this curse.

Though, it was the world's fault that they were soul mates in the first place.

The red eyed teen shook his head. Everyone was at fault here.

He then paused to look down through a window, where he could see the building for the Boy's dorm.

They went fourty hours ahead of time and Red did not attend any classes for a few days now.

The Leader of all the Champions smiled.

Green must be ripping out his hair right now.

Because that idiot [even though he rarely admits it] was always worried about the others around him.

That was why he would make a good leader.


Green gripped his hair. Red didn't come to class for more than five days straight and he was more than convinced that Red was sick in bed. Dammit, the worst thing about Red getting sick was that he would never have the strength to move from bed. Scratch that, he wouldn't even have the enough energy to eat!

The brunet sat down and stared at his desk, thinking all about the negative things that could [but never should] have happened to Red after a few days of absence. Lance's teachings were always useless to him because he only went to the academy for research purposes. The only thing he found useful was Marcus with his Gym Class, even though they tortured him from time to time (meaning: always).

The Battle Royale was about to start soon too. The team registrations would close tomorrow so he better hurry up or else he would not advance and keep his position as a Silver Badged student. Problems and concerns were piling up these days. Most of them were not necessary in public's eyes but they were to him. With the exception of the League Champion thing Red was-

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