Chapter 04

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Chapter 04
Memories of the Rivals

"So... who's Touya and Black?" Pearl asked once they got all the chocolate off N's face. They all gathered in N's room which was amazingly full of dolls and toys. It was like a kid's room, they all thought with a sweat drop. Wally and Pearl were sitting on the bed while Silver and Green sat on the floor, watching N's movements as he wiped his face dry with a towel.

"Touya 'Black' Hilbert, they are the same person," N answered Pearl's question. "He was someone who trusted me with my ideas and plans. And also... he is my rival. Taco Bell back there is his twin sister they were used to be inseparable but since their adventure started they parted ways."

Silver sighed. "Two years ago, N did something bad and he went off on a journey from Unova to Kanto. We met there, in Kanto due to our... position we understood each other, a bit. It was an awkward meeting but we became friends."

Green crossed his arms. "No matter what it is the past is in the past, don't bring it to the future. We all did something wrong in life that we regret." The rest of the four glanced at the brown haired trainer like he was a legendary pokemon. "Despite everything I am still human. Stop looking at me like I am a perfect object."

"Really? The great Green Oak did a mistake in the past?" Pearl asked as if he wanted laugh.

The brown haired sixteen year old raised up his hand and three of his fingers. "Three. It was three years ago, when I was thirteen. My mistake was underestimating almost everything and everyone," he told. His green eyes then narrowed. "Especially Satoshi. I was League Champion, and well, still am. But I think I will never fit the title since Red was someone I still can't beat. My first successful win was against Red too, I wouldn't have thought my last loss would also be against him."

"This Red guy you always tell us about," Silver said to Green. "Is he the Red?" Green raised a finger and pressed it on his own lips but the sixteen year old's look was asking him a question; How did you know? Thus, Silver answered; "Kanto and Johto aren't that far apart. You can just use surf and you can reach there."

"Then tell me your mistake Silver," Green told.

"My mistake? I have a lot of them I think I lose count. I ran away from home when my dad left, I stole my starter pokemon, I treated all my pokemon as tools, I was selfish. My rival was the one who made me realise that. Nonetheless, he was still my rival. I fought with him every single time to show I am better - I even cleared up all the trainers in Victory Road just for him to fight with me," Silver told. "The last time I saw him was in Dragon's Cave. We teamed up to fight against Lance."

"My rival," Wally said for the first time. "Is the same person who taught me to catch my first pokemon. He is the son of the Gym Leader in my town... unlike him I had a clear path before me so I became stronger very quickly. He was my only friend but my mistake was that I had never seen him more than twice. His dad told me that he was dependable and if I wanted to make friends with him I can just go ahead. We did became friends but I never did cared about him. So, before this, I was alone with my pokemon. I guess."

Pearl was laughing for no reason. Again. "Since everyone is talking about their rivals and mistakes, I think I should too! My rival is my best friend and childhood friend and also neighbour. I am this type of kid who thinks a lot of himself and always rush to do the things I wanted to do. My rival was the one who kept me alive from jumping off a cliff to dive in the water full of Magikarps," he said proudly. "Then again, I always treated him as a rival and threat that I didn't realise that he was the one who kept me alive. Even when we both started our adventure he was the one who gave me advice."

N smiled. "Your rivals all seem like strong people."

"Yeah, Red is the strongest," Green said.

"I don't think so. Green, if you cannot beat my rival then you can't beat Red," Silver said. "Plus, you have met him before and you lost against him."

"I never lost to anybody except Red three years ago in Pokemon League," the brunet declared.

"The only way my rival has access to Mount Silver is to defeat all gym leaders in Kanto and Johto," the redhead pressed. "You must remember him. His name is Ethan but he goes by the name-"

"Gold!" Green yelped remembering something. "Wait, that pompous kid is your rival?!"

Silver smirked. "Sure is."

"No way!"

"Yes way."

"But that kid-"

"Defeated Red in a battle once," Silver said. "That was the last time I heard about him. And that was two years ago. He never went back to his house and there were rumours about him living in Ilex forest."

The green tea haired boy low whistled. "Someone is infected with Red Syndrome."

Green raised a brow. "Seriously? Red Syndrome?"

"Why else you want to hole up in one place for years? Your rival lived on a freaking damn mountain for three years."

"Yeah, well, you won't ever be able to defeat mine!" Pearl declared.

"M-mine too!" Wally said.

"Oh? Why don't we tell our rivals to fight each other to know who's the strongest?" Green challenged.

"Did you forget? My rival already beat your rival," Silver reminded.

"Only once! My Red grows stronger when time passes by!"

"Ooohhh~ Your Red, how sweet~!" N teased. "But anyway, my rival is the strongest!"

"No, mine is!" Pearl said.

"My rival won't lose to!" Wally claimed.

No one can defeat my rival, they all thought. Because my rival is...


Somewhere in the sky, five champions sneezed like kittens.

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